Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation
Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation
NR | 02 October 2001 (USA)
Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation Trailers

A compilation of clips from seventeen classic slasher films.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
gimmemore10 Here are the list of the clips that are played:Clive Barker's Hellraiser, A nightmare on Elm Street, The Texas chainsaw massacre (1974), Scream, Child's play 2, Candyman, Leprechaun, The ugly Wishmaster, The guardian, I know what you did last summer, The dentist, Phantasm II, The puppetmaster, Psycho, Jason goes to hell: The final Friday, Halloween What is this?A video tape/DVD that contains clips of your favorite slasher films that were nearly about 4 minutes. Movie review:Overall a majority like 70% of the clips are very well-made and still creepy taken from various recognized slasher flicks. I think the creepiest are Halloween and The Texas chainsaw massacre (1974). The reason is because those are both things that can actually happen. Without gore or blood the brain is the scariest and that is what makes these films stand out. Some of the films like 30% however are just ridiculous and are very stupid. Including Leprechaun and The puppetmaster. God those are awful. Leprechaun is stupid because he's a short midget and you can kill him in a second. At least Leprechaun was funny and playful but puppetmaster was just stupid and almost all the puppets look fake. Despite that prepare to be scared. This a must own for any horror fan.
ray-108 This compilation of the 'rogues gallery' of modern day movie monsters could have been better. Of course you've got the Big 4 (Freddy, Jason, Michael, and Leatherface) along with those of well-deserved honorable mention (Candyman, Chucky, Pinhead, and the Tall Man). As far as the Guardian, 'Ghostface', Fisherman and the others goes, they should've been left out. Why you ask? They're not considered cult classics to me. They're not in the same league with old school horror favorites.You mean to tell me that the producers and writers forgot about Pazuzu the demon from 'The Exorcist', Damien from 'The Omen', and the demon from 'The Evil Dead'? Also, they could've chosen a much better Jason Voorhees moment (of which there are many) instead of JGTH, which is his worst.Hope those guys do better with a sequel if they decide to do so.
Big Movie Fan Boogeymen:The Killer Compilation released by FlixMix cost me £17.99 (UK Sterling) and t be honest, it did seem a little steep for what I got out of it. Given the choice, I would have rented it rather than buy it. I wasn't sure how to comment on this DVD-on one hand it is good, on the other hand it isn't.First, let's look at the bad stuff. For starters, 58 minutes for the main feature is far too short. I understand (although I don't know if it is true) that the people behind this DVD think 58 minutes is the right length given that the demographic they are aiming for have short attention spans. I certainly don't have a short attention span-two hours would have been fine for me.Another thing that seemed odd was the choice of clips. Obviously, boogeymen such as Pinhead, Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger deserve a spot on this DVD because they have carved out their own niche and are among the scariest screen monsters around. However, featuring villains such as Simon from The Ugly (a film I have not seen) and the leprachaun didn't seem right. I certainly wouldn't list them as boogeymen. Two more complaints-there were no theatrical trailers for some of the screen monsters which was disappointing. I also disagree with the clip from Jason Goes To Hell. They ended the clip just before the point where Jason is blown to bits by FBI agents-however, I suppose the point is to whet you appetite for the main features.On the plus side, there was an audio commentary by Robert Englund who told some interesting stories and gave us some insight into the special effects used on A Nightmare On Elm Street Part 1. There were also loads of fun facts on the screen when you click on the relevant DVD options. For example, did you know Freddy Krueger was the name of a boy who bullied Wes Craven at school? That is just one of the many facts at your disposal.Add to that a Name That Frame game and written biographies of the characters and you have a DVD that is decent enough although not worth the money I paid. I suppose a Boogeymen 2 is inevitable. I appreciate the thought put into this release and the legal minefield that obviously ensued in obtaining these clips but a bit more thought is needed for any future FlixMix releases.
lilkbraptor15 This FlixMix Flick is an absolute must have for Horror lovers. Some scenes were disappointing like The Ugly or The Dentist but the rest was great. A must have.9/