Booby Traps
Booby Traps
| 15 January 1944 (USA)
Booby Traps Trailers

Pvt. Snafu thinks he's too smart to get caught by an enemy booby trap, but he soon finds that the traps are alluring and that he is every bit the booby.

ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Hitchcoc Apparently the Private Snafu was a regular when it came to films warning soldiers of danger. The goofy Private can't quite get the message that when he lets his emotions and hormones take over, his next act may be his last. He is tempted by hidden land mines, exploding pianos, nubile women, on and on. Of course, he is an absolute idiot because he is warned frequently and can't wait to get himself done in. Some of my Vietnam War friends told of unique types of traps positioned by the enemy, most of which worked on the kindness and compassion of some of the American soldiers. I may check another of these Snafu things out at a later time.
utgard14 Another Private Snafu short made for use by the U.S. Army during World War II. As always, Snafu is refusing to follow proper procedures and thinks he's smarter than he actually is. This time he's in the North African desert, where he's warned about booby traps but does what he wants anyway. He comes across a series of traps that are obviously unrealistic but the point was to instruct the soldiers on how to be more careful by using humor rather than making them sit through a dry educational film. Mel Blanc provides the voice for Snafu and has some funny lines that were racy for the time. The runtime is brief (four minutes) but it packs a lot in there. The animation is nice and the gags are funny. The best part is the harem. Really puts the 'boob' in booby trap.
Robert Reynolds Another episode in the saga of Private Snafu-the dimmest bulb in the Army. This Rhodes scholar is more dangerous to his own unit than he is to the enemy! Entertaining series of training films done during World War II. Here Snafu comes agonizingly close repeatedly to well-deserved destruction, only to be saved by the good fortune the universe seems to extend all too often to idiots. Hilarious ending which is quite apropos. The sad thing is there probably were Private Snafus in real life. I know people who make Snafu seem like Einstein! Well worth watching. Most recommended.
Kieran Kenney Very politically incorrect by today's standards, this animated romp concerning the perils with which our boys contend OVER THERE (in the Arabian deserts of good ol' WWII) is a total riot. The harem of 1940's beauties (possibly the sexiest cartoon characters ever put to the screen), an over-sized mouse-trap, a rigged up-right piano, a potentially explosive hooka, a triangle-playing mechanical Hitler and, best of all, a talking camel with a bomb attached to it, are some of the highlights of this brilliant short work. Only two Private Snafu shorts I've seen to date (8-12-2003), the other being Spies, which is just as offensively uproarious and side-splitting. In light of not too long ago world events, it's Middle Eastern setting is all too eerie.
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