R | 18 April 1998 (USA)
Bongwater Trailers

David is an artist and a pothead. He's fallen in love with the beautiful and sexy Serena, and things are going simply splendidly until poor David's house burns down. Serena doesn't need the bad vibes, so she splits the scene and runs off to New York with rocker and junkie Tommy. Lonely David finally turns to the sweet, sweet comfort of marijuana and his strange menagerie of friends to forget about his lost home and love

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Lukas Quinn The title notwithstanding, this drug-laden laugh trip is more Reality Bites than Up in Smoke. David (a sweetly earnest Wilson) is a pot dealer with half-baked ambitions of becoming an artist; Serena (Witt)is his nuttily domineering love interest. Though the pair's lack of real chemistry makes the cuddly ending feel tacked on, the hysterical drug-buddy performances of Brittany Murphy, Andy Dick, and Jack Black really make this joint roll. This isn't a fast-paced broad comedy, it requires some patience. You gotta sit back, and let it envelop you. Let life slow down and enjoy the quirkiness and absurdity of the plot and characters.
Ari C To Start in order to understand this movie you have expand your mind to that Of not only a pothead but a pot dealer, an artist, a drug user, a pagan, and most importantly a conservative. I have read many comments stating that the movie sucked...and that they were so disappointed by how awesome the cast was in a bad film. I feel that you have to stand back and view the film through the characters eyes. one at a time. Really the movie to me is about the constant struggle a habitual drug user has to grasping there own personal reality. sure the movie really had no plot, but dose life really have a plot? sure its presumed to be a comedy...and I'm sure that some people found it hilarious. The Movie to me is about struggle..plane and simple. Ari
mikoshunga There is nothing in this that the viewer could point to and call "good". The acting was dull and sedated. The sets and cinematography look like they were developed by someone grew up in a Starbucks and tried to make the perfect Gap commercial. Characters have no drive, motivation, or reason for us to care about them. There's such a lack of interest and tension that it's hard to follow the banal action and dialog. And the plot... if anyone finds it, I'm sure it would be as boring as everything else.This isn't funny, it's not romantic, it doesn't reflect on the human condition. If you want a good stoner comedy, watch Half-Baked; if you want a good stoner drama, watch Trainspotting. The only reason I gave this 2 stars instead of one is because it's kind of fun seeing some familiar faces in the mid-late 90's cast. Which is a shallow reason to give the film even one star, but, then again, this is a shallow movie.
oiwiein Well I may have just indicated my past with this summary. Oh well. If you live in the NW of USA than you either know a stoner, are a stoner or are soon to be one. This movie is just as the title Bongwater says for stoners. It has some big name actors and they play the paranoid stoner role very well. This film is not an Oscar winner by any means but instead has a somewhat sad and mellow. It is a movie about lots of people that live in this part of the country. Just people that are lost and have no real future to look forward to. There only real joy is getting stoned or high on LSD in the woods. Not really a comedy more like a statement about a certain lifestyle. Problems abound and psycho women galore. Poor Luke Wilson the head stoner does a great job as your likable, lonely stoner. Jack Black plays a decent waster that would have been at all the Grateful Dead concerts. Brittany Murphy plays a rather horny psycho girl which is probably not far from the truth. Andy Dick and his gay partner have some pretty funny parts to add to the plot. It just is not a very happy movie though. Kinda like a stoners life it's just there and goes on until the cops or fire department shake things up. Crazy women and stoner dudes what a mellow life.