Blue Seduction
Blue Seduction
| 08 November 2009 (USA)
Blue Seduction Trailers

A middle aged music composer finds himself trapped in the seductive web of a young, sexy vocalist who is looking for her own fifteen seconds of fame...

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
strayalleycatzz This has to be one of THE worst Billy Zane movies he has ever done. For a guy who normally plays a real bad ass, he was weak, pathetic and pitiful in this movie. The story line was terrible and ALL the acting was horrendous. A two star rating is very generous. The premise for a washed up one hit wonder singer trying to recapture his former glory is definitely missed the mark here. To go from a completely reformed bad boy (sex, drugs, rock n roll) to sliding back into that behavior within about five minutes is so lame. I usually love the twisted Billy Zane but was so sadly disappointed in this drivel of an attempt at a revival of his movie roles .
kai ringler Billy Zane wasn't that bad in this movie i thought, i thought that Estella Warren stole the show as Matty ,, the up and coming artist,, our main character,, former musician is down on his luck and struggling so he goes back into the music business to make another record and he is smitten by a very young and sexy cute girl named Matty, she also has a lot of musical talent, so the two are drawn closer,, then end up collating on some music together, as he sees that she has talent as well as beauty, the two get closer romantically as well he falls for her,, she convinces him to go back to the drugs alcohol, sex days of rock and roll , and later on she also convinces him that he can't be successful without her,, she is like a groupie, that won't take no for an answer, she stalks him throughout and when he finally doesn't want to be with her anymore, she can't stand that and takes some action.
No_Nonsense I stumbled on this movie completely at random, and I was not expecting anything special. Thank god for that.This movie is not as awful as the two other reviews (at the moment) are saying it is. It's just pretty much clichéd. It's obvious they were trying to play it "Wild Things", but hey, not every writer is Stephen Peters. The scenario is quite easy to guess, which is always a problem for that kind of movie : it's all about the ending, of course, and if that ending is foreseeable... well, it kind of throw the whole plot out of the window.Also, the direction is very conventional. Nothing new, nothing really pleasant, but nothing catastrophic either. It's just 100 % old school.However, I disagree with the previous reviewers about the acting. It's not brilliant, that's for sure, but it's OK. We can't expect much more from the actors for a simple TV movie.All in all, I wouldn't advise anyone to watch this movie, but I wouldn't beg them not to. It's not great, it's forgettable, but if you've got nothing else to do, you can give it a try. Just watch it while doing some crosswords to keep your mind busy. ;)
dbborroughs Not very good thriller has Billy Zane as a one hit wonder who blew it all with sex drugs and other nastiness working on a come back when a beautiful blond vocalist comes into the studio. He's smitten and she puts him back on the roller coaster of sex drugs and rock and roll thereby jeopardizing his marriage.Toothless thriller falls apart because its hands are tied due to its TV origins. Actually it falls apart with a script that isn't very good and promises way more than it ever delivers. Even a super late in the game twist that seemed to come out of nowhere (or was I just not paying attention?) fails to add any real life to this rather poor movie. Given the choice I'd take a pass.