| 10 March 2000 (USA)
Blowback Trailers

After a psychotic religious killer is captured and sentenced to death, he is instead recruited by the US government and trained to become a professional assassin. He now seeks revenge on all those who participated in sentencing him to death.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
zibster If you liked Se7en or Resurrection, then i suggest you see this film. Its not as good as those 2, but its decent. Its got some gruesome deaths just like the other 2 flicks mentioned. But that sort of thing is expected in serial killer movies. 6/10
fiera121 I tend to agree with most other reviewers on this page that this movie's plot was predictable, but I stop short of calling it boring. Yes, there are lots of mediocre cop movies out there about good cops that get too personally involved in a homicide case and get kicked off the case by their superior, then continue to investigate on their own. But this one has a somewhat new twist in that the killer seems to be a man who's already been executed for similar crimes. Another new twist is that his latest choice of victims are the jurors who voted to execute him. These two new twists keep the movie from being overly predictable, and keep it entertaining. However, I think the script should have kept secret until the end whether or not the killer is actually the executed man or not; the answer is revealed early in the film, and I think they should have made use of the suspense they would've generated by not telling us so soon. All in all, this is not a great movie, but it's not a total waste of time.
uds3 Hey all you sadists - here's the film you've been waiting for! Rare opportunity to catch a couple of pretty young girls stripped to the waist and roped up to a wooden cross under threat of extreme pain from a maniacal religious freako wielding a nail-gun!Van Peebles steps down a rung with this "by the numbers" cop-after-the-mega-sicko tale that cannot possibly enrich the life of a solitary viewer. It's not even particularly interesting.Low budget, cliche'd caper to test the patience of the most undiscerning viewer. Pretty much straight-to-video little number that is as underwhelming as it is tasteless.Van Peebles and Remar were re-teamed in the equally unenthralling GUARDIAN.
Alex-372 Blowback is a Mario van Peebles movie, so if you're a fan of him, you should be fine with it. This movie has relatively poor production values, and the shootouts are badly staged and edited, however, it does pour on the exploitation, with lots of naked chicks and gory murders. Also, it's been a long time since I've seen Stephen Caffrey (Tour Of Duty, Longtime Companion), and the first time I've seen him playing a bad guy. The main theme of Blowback is a serial killer who murders his victims and then cuts them up as martyred saints. Unfortunately, the production values don't allow for much special effects, but they're pretty grisly. 6 out of 10