| 22 March 1990 (USA)
Bloodmoon Trailers

In the small town of Coopers Bay, there are two high schools situated right next to each other. There’s Winchester, an all boys comprehensive and St Elizabeth’s, a girl’s only Catholic faculty. They are separated by woodland where pupils from both can meet and engage the things that attract the attention of maniac killers. It’s not surprising then that an unseen one begins murdering the youngsters as they fornicate, strangling them with a length of barbed wire before removing their eyes and burying them under the soil. Mary, the daughter of a Hollywood movie actress, becomes involved when the killer targets her and Kevin, her boyfriend. But who is this twisted psychopath and why does he want to kill all the kids?

Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
MonsterPerfect Good idea lost in the noise
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
insomniac_rod A very weak Australian slasher. I had also the chance to watch it on USA Network, in fact, it was played very often. For coming out in the late 80's BLOOD MOON doesn't offers anything you haven't seen. The box cover fooled me as it seemed to be a straight slasher. I consider this as a soap opera with slasher elements. An unknown prowler wanders the territory of a private a school for women and the school next to it of men. This prowler kills people from both schools using a barb wire.There's a subplot of romance and some conflicts between teachers. Nothing interesting from this movie to be saved. Almost no gore, scary scenes, annoying characters, and a lame killer. Don't expect nothing from this movie. BLOODMOON is boring even for the gorehounds. Only die hard fans of the genre could watch it completely.3/10.
gridoon The first half is a generic slasher film that follows the sex-and-death formula dutifully, has waaaay too much filler and suffers from a strange lack of central characters; the glimpses of gratuitous nudity are virtually all this half has going for it. Then the killer is revealed, and the rest of the film looks as if it was made by a different director; one who knows a thing or two about suspense, and how to actually quicken your pulse. There are two major confrontations with the killer, and they are both particularly well-handled. I really don't know what happened midway through production, but just as you're ready to give up on the movie, it surprises you by turning out not-too-bad after all. By the way, be careful when you read some of the other reviews for this movie, they include some pretty big spoilers! (**)
bigpappa1--2 A crazed science teacher at a posh boarding school kills off students at the local lover's lane.Yet another teen slasher flick made towards the decline of the genre, but more forgettable than most. Poorly plotted and scripted. The acting is so-so and the direction is almost non-existent. Avoid this mess. 4 out of 10.
nobita The Australian film industry over recent years has received many accolades for its fine productions and have gladly suffered the "American remake" which is a testament to their outstanding quality. This film however, is not among them.Why oh why when we have some many great story lines to persue do we copy shoddy American horror films. And this is a perfect copy of one of those forgettable horror flicks. Basically as the story goes, A demented high school science teacher goes on a murderous rampage through a posh boarding school and is protected by his shag-anything wife and finally caught out by an intrepid Nun. It's actually quite funny, really.However, the sad thing about this film is it is not bad enough to be cherrished in the Hammer tradition. Oh well. The best thing about this film was Baby Desmond. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is my cousin, of course.