| 09 May 2008 (USA)
Bloodline Trailers

One man's journey into the world of the so-called 'Bloodline' conspiracy, at the heart of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, where a secret society, the Priory of Sion, claims to have guarded evidence of the marriage of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ, their children and their descendants down through the centuries.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Nancy Hill I just watched this film and I can't believe how many 10 star reviews I see. This film is full of inaccuracies and suppositions that, in the end, lead no where. Definitely a De Vinci dud. During one scene, when a Frenchman was being interviewed, supposedly after the camera's were turned off a man came over and handed the Frenchmen a note. The Frenchman refused to speak after that. We saw all of this take place. How could this be if the cameras were off? And if the note-passing scene was a re-enactment how did they get the Frenchman to play along when he was supposedly too afraid to speak? I watch documentaries more than any other type of film so I was hoping to see good investigation uncover some cold hard facts. Instead I saw a boring pseudo-documentary. Honestly I haven't seen such a poorly done documentary since "Paul Is Dead!"
Rebecca Miller In the first place I was dragged down to the movies by my friends to see what they described as 'a really cool movie' and I was not at all looking forward to seeing it, thinking it would be just as dull as The Da Vinci Code. When I started watching it though I changed my mind. I thought it was suspenseful, interesting, intriguing with great pictures of the tomb. I think it's great that an 'amateur' like Ben Hammott could find something like that. He's just an ordinary guy who became interested in this mystery in this little village in France and decided to investigate.Me and my friends agree that it was an enjoyable and interesting film and I've recommended it to everyone I know. Well done guys for making such a good film, can't wait to see who's in the tomb and what all the artifacts are and I will keep checking the Bloodline website and Ben Hammott's one for updates - they're both really cool btw!Considering the huge budget that The Da Vinci Code had and the small budget that Bloodline had these guys have done an awesome job and should be proud of themselves for doing such a great film!
filmfangal For me, the most important message of this film is that we are moving forward as a species. We are becoming willing in greater numbers to question what has been fed to us down through the ages. Regardless of whether a "bloodline" really exists -- or if Jesus was, in fact, married -- didn't matter as much to me as the sense of hope I felt. The film left me with a very positive feeling for our collective future because the theater was PACKED with enthusiastic people, and important questions were being asked. The film is really very exciting and moving. Who doesn't LOVE a good treasure hunt? Fascinating and original. I recommend it highly.
cinemactivist I was lucky enough to see Bloodline before it hits theaters next month.The documentary follows the director around France who is piecing together clues from the past to figure out if Jesus and Mary Magdalene had a child. He interviews members of the secret Priory of Sion and those who have also been searching for the truth about this long held mystery. As the film goes on, the mystery unfolds.Anyone who is interested in the Priory of Sion, Mary Magdalene, the Catholic church, or Christianity should see this film. It's beautifully shot, suspenseful, and an overall well crafted documentary. You will sit on the edge of your seat during the entire film, begging for more.