Bloodfist II
Bloodfist II
| 12 October 1990 (USA)
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Jake Ray gives up his title after killing a man in the ring. When Jake goes to Manila to help an old friend, trouble awaits him! After fending off multiple attacks, Jake is finally captured and chained to a half a dozen martial arts champions. Taken to an island fortress, they are forced to battle chemically-stimulated killers in fights to the death. To win - and to live - it will take every ounce of strength and skill in their martial arts arsenal

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Seraherrera The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Leofwine_draca BLOODFIST II is a shambolic production: clearly made on the ultra-cheap, consisting of non-actors who couldn't look more wooden if they tried, with a threadbare story that shamelessly rips off ENTER THE DRAGON at every opportunity from the island tournament to the chunky henchmen and urbane criminal overlord. And yet it's still ten times better than the truly execrable BLOODFIST, which remains one of the worst films I've ever watched.The reason this sequel is better is purely because it has more action – and a lot more action, at that. In fact, there's a fight scene regular as clockwork every five minutes or so, and sometimes even more frequently. Sadly, the fights aren't up to much; the choreography is about as boring as it could be, and the opponents display no discernible talent, merely running towards the hero and falling down when they get kicked in the face. But at least there's stuff happening, unlike in the first movie.Sadly, the numerous faults are still too major to make this even remotely resemble anything approaching a good movie. Don "The Dragon" Wilson is a humourless and extraordinarily wooden leading man, my least favourite of all the martial arts stars, and he goes through the motions here. The supporting cast are even worse and some of the performances are downright appalling. The plot is dull and tired and far too simplistic, and in the end this is nothing more than moving wallpaper, or a film version of the old side-scrolling beat 'em ups where exchangeable thugs are mown down by a one-dimensional hero character.
theromanempire-1 This sequel saved the franchise for part 1 was poorly made even by it's standards but the sequel had a much better story, fights and the important chemistry between the actors.The action is full pack and u don't get bored like in the first film.In fact all bloodfist sequels are better than part 1 so i urge you to avoid part 1 and start your collection from part 2.Don the dragon Wilson is great as always and together with matthias hues john barrett lorenzo lamas sasa mitchel van damme michael worth to name a few starred in many great American martial arts movies like the bloodfist series, kickboxer series and movies like bounty tracker, final impact, shootfighter and American kickboxer 1 to also name a few gems.
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) Jake Raye(Don "The Dragon" Wilson) is back in action, only this time the action is more extreme. In "Bloodfist II", Jake and several other fighters go down to the Phillipines, where a friend of Jake's calls him out to help him. It turned out to be a booby-trap for all of them. Jake's friend seem to got himself way over his head. Working with the wrong people and getting greedy from those people. Jake and his friends fight for their lives when their opponents take a steroid which makes them impervious to pain, but some of the fighters didn't do too well. They kill off whoever doesn't last in the fight whether it was Jake's friends or the opponents. Looks like those who took the steroid, didn't have a clue that they were pawns as well. Jake friend took the same steroid and he paid the price for betraying him and his friends. The steroid may have given him immunity to pain, but it didn't make him indestructible when he took a roundhouse to the neck. Once the old saying goes, Once a pawn, always a pawn, forever a pawn! That steroid had only one purpose, and look what happens. That movie was a lot of fun, and the plot of the movie was great, I liked that. Rating 3 out of 5 stars.
Frank Markland I swore that I would never watch any Bloodfist sequels after being appalled at what I saw with episode # 1, however somebody said that I'm a lot like another reviewer who has been reviewing low budget junkers such as I, his name is Gridoon. I looked at his reviews and it turned it out he had reviewed Heatseeker, Kickboxer 4, Cyborg and a bunch of others that I had seen. Not to be one upped, I dare challenged to watch all Bloodfist movies, just to prove I was no meter maid in the stakes of bad movies. In other words I rented and saw all Bloodfist movies in two days. The film itself stars Wilson as a you guessed it, a kickboxer who is abducted and forced to fight a bunch of super fighters enhanced by a steroid. The sequel is of course an obvious rip off of Enter The Dragon, but the fighting here was better and from what I have seen remains one of the better entries of the series. Take that however you want take it. Wilson though is dependably terrible.* * out of 4-(Fair)