Blood Shot
Blood Shot
| 01 August 2013 (USA)
Blood Shot Trailers

Based on the award winning short film, Blood Shot is the story of a cop named Rip whose life falls apart as he chases a terminator-like vampire, who happens to be a hitman for the CIA. They must join forces to stop a terrorist cell before its too late, battling through obstacles such as a harem, giant eunuch, demon-genie, and even explosive midgets.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Michael Ledo Rip (Brennan Elliott) is a cop who is chasing a demon possessed vampire to the dismay of his wife (Kristi Clainos) and the police department who have different beliefs. Unknown to Rip, our vampire (Michael Bailey Smith) is a member of the CIA and is hunting terrorists in Los Angeles. The vampire hunts the bad guys while toying with Rip. The terrorist have a nuke in LA and plan to use it. They also have a goat head lamp genii to neutralize the vampire.The film is campy. Rip asks the vampire about his evilness and says, "How do you look at yourself in a mirror?" But clearly the vampire had the best lines as he plays the tough guy, one that loves to take bullets. Rip tries out different types of bullets to kill the vampire. Our vampire chimes: "Isn't silver for werewolves?" or "Now I'm going to smell like garlic while I kick your ..."After an hour of fun the film settles down into a formula and drops off.Good film for those who like the "Dylan Dog" type of stuff.Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
daletheminoltaman Hysterical, lots of memorable one liners! This movie is fantastic, I do not get the bad reviews. Well unless it was by people that do not understand clever humor, hysterical one liners and a fantastically silly plot. If you are looking for a uplifting, super fun Sunday afternoon then check this movie out, it is just simply a great time.The one liners really make the movie and Brad Dourif and Christopher Lambert are great as always. I really do not know what else to say, this movie is great, if you like purposely silly, fun movies then you will love this one. Give it a shot, you will have a great time. Wow they like a long review for movies here, most people just want a quick summary of how the movie was without someone giving away the plot too much and ruining the movie. That is why I never listen to movie critic reviews, they not only give a pretentious review but they give away too much in the movie and ruin it.
morrigan1982 The plot is about a Vampire working for the good guys and helping with the countries safety. You have a cop committed to capture and kill this vampire. He judges him by his appearance and for the fact that he acts as a vigilante. He thinks he is a monster and he wants him out of the picture! The vampire wants to help his country in the fight against terrorists. The leader (Brad Dourif) of the terrorist group is a fanatic who wants to blow up the country with a nuke and the vampire teams up with the cop to stop them… So it is not exactly a masterpiece as you can imagine. It is not that good either. It is entertaining though, if you want something to pass the time, if you wanted to see a good horror you wouldn't pick this one. So you know what you are getting yourself into!
Destroyer Wod When i first saw the cover, or the french title in the video store(yes some people still rent from video stores) "Vampire Assassin" i knew i was in for something pretty lame and dumb. Oh well i have not rent one of those in ages, and i had a coupon for 2 at the price of 1...The movie start right away and this is my major complain, its never explained why the cop is after the vampire. We are supposed to believe the cop only want to bring the vampire to justice because he kill people... which is extremely lame. Eventually they will have to team up as the synopsis mention to take down a terrorist who want to blow out a Nuke in L.A. OK this part is from the start extremely hard to believe, terrorist running freely in the US in full "arabian look" and all. But on top of that the leader is so caricatured you can't take him seriously at all.When it comes to other characters, the vampire is OK, he is imposing, look strong, outside the fact that he only use double pistol, you could think he is what you have in mind when you think "vampire". The cop ain't bad, but his character is so badly introduced you have trouble caring for him.But the bad guys are just a total mess, they can't be believe in at all, and the whole concept of the president talking from his limo to a vampire division administrator is so whatever.After that, i would say the way the movie is filmed is pretty decent, camera work is fine, blood is fine, but i am not sure if this is part of the vampire "powers" but when he sponge bullets, they just disappear in a little smoke explosion, not even damaging his suit, which i tough was extremely silly and just poor special effects.In the end i would say the movie is hard to like, even if you see it as a total "nanar" as we call them in french, which could be translated to "a silly but fun movie" in English. The pacing ain't very good, the story is, even tough not really complicated" hard to follow because its simply badly written, and the characters outside the vampire himself, seem way too caricatured and dumb.In the end really not a must, whatever you are a fan of vampire movies or action movies. And i saw it witch a bunch of beers... so i gave him a big chance.