Blood Orange
Blood Orange
R | 17 May 2016 (USA)
Blood Orange Trailers

The idyllic life of Bill, a retired aging rock star, and his young wife is rocked by a lover from her past, resulting in catastrophic consequences.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
J_Bella_S Toby Tobias, Writer and Director, says 'Blood Orange' is not what it seems and he is right. This noir film draws you in from the start and keeps you on tenterhooks as at no point can you guess what will happen next when the plot twists cleverly again till the last shot. In a stunning location with only four actors (Iggy Pop, Kacey Clarke, Ben Lamb and Antonio Magro) your sympathies change direction as the story develops. The reason for this being the truth of the characters and how they reflect our stories and lives. Life, death, love, sex, relationships, money and their impact! The main musical theme by Tim Arnold works incredibly well setting the mood and moving alongside the action. You leave deep in thought about your own life choices with the strains of Money Kills Love playing in your head!
Khun Kru Mark How on earth does this movie only have two reviews (so far) on IMDb?The casting couldn't have been better and Iggy Pop is a stand out as an old rock star. Hmmm... I wonder how that could be!Everyone except the dopey pool boy has a plan and they unfold at a leisurely pace until the final line is spoken.It's difficult to talk about the movie without giving the game away but I was reminded of a similar movie in both style and substance... the superb 1987 noir (yes, noir), Black Widow... and the similar movies that it spawned.This is an 'adult' thriller... there's not much in the way of actual violence. No shouting and no infernal young people in the way. Any thinking person and fan of legato measured dramas will enjoy this.The songs are well chosen, the photography is exquisite and there's not a second wasted.
drjasonscholars While the premise may have similarities with "A Bigger Splash" and take its references from "La Piscine", this is a very different film indeed. It takes its time to unfold but then it shifts a gear, twists and twists again and then what was a sun soaked lazy art-house drama becomes a full on menacing thriller that keeps you guessing right up till the end. Iggy is a really charismatic screen presence - beguiling, darkly witty, quite a nuanced performance... Dangerous but still sympathetic. Kacey Clarke is much more than just a sexy femme fatale and Ben Lamb pitches his performance perfectly as the spoiled brat looking for vengeance but getting further and further out of his depth. This is a movie that knows how to play around with genre expectations. A smart, slow burning thriller that draws you in and takes no prisoners.
dandbone I watched it solely because I was curious how Iggy Pop acts. I didn't have high expectations, so I can't say I was disappointed. The actors seem to have done their job, but the weakness of the movie is actually the script. Nothing interesting happened in the first half of the movie. The characters themselves were quite boring and could not support the movie, despite the acting performances, which were OK.I might have missed something interesting from the second half of the movie, but I didn't care enough to see what that was. I could see myself watching the whole thing if I was at home in the evening and I only had basic cable.