Blood Oath
Blood Oath
R | 01 January 2007 (USA)
Blood Oath Trailers

A group of friends on a weekend camping trip decide to investigate a local urban legend. The trip will change their lives as they are forced into a fight for survival against a horrific monster.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Leofwine_draca BLOOD OATH is a shot on video indie slasher flick that was put out by Troma, and that comes as no surprise given the poor quality of the production. The cliched story has a bunch of friends heading off into the woods for a bit of fun, to find only death awaiting them instead. There are small roles for scream queens Tina Krause and Tiffany Shepis, but this is generally devoid of interest. A bit of titillation and a bit of gore are the only draws here.
Ben Larson I should have known this would be bad. It had Tiffany Sherpis and Tina Krause listed on the DVD cover, but when the opening credits rolled, it said special appearances. I suspected we may not see much of either and have to put up with the regular non actors.This is director David Buchert's sophomore effort. I have no evidence anyone saw his first film, and I imagine very few have seen this by-the- book slasher-in-the-woods story. One this for sure, Buchert should be doing cinematography. There was some very interesting camera work here.There was blood, of course, lots of it. And, screaming, lots and lots of screaming. The best thing about this film is that the promised sequel didn't come.
clubberlang786 This must be the biggest load of crap masquerading as a horror film I've ever had the misfortune of seeing. If only it were possible to slap all the actors and actresses (I use those words loosely)in this turd of a film and sue the producers of this film for my time wasted watching this.It started off promisingly a couple are making out in a car. She's giving head when he gets a phone call. It's his ex-girlfriend. The girl tells her to F-off as they are busy about to have sex. The ex tells him she's going to throw out his music cd's to which the guy tells the girl to cool it with the BJ so he can convince his ex not to throw out his CD's. WTF. Who writes this bullshit. The boyfriend is predictably decapitated. It gets worse from then on.A stupid horror legend of a couple making a blood oath for happiness and having twins girls in return. The witch wants them to sacrifice one of the twins. The couple refuse and they die in a car crash. he girls survive. One is adopted and the other horribly burnt is supposed to haunt the woods and kill people. Why? The acting is horrible as is the script. All I can say is avoid at all costs. I have tried to warn you so if you watch it you only have yourselves to blame.
dolly_the_ye-ye_bird Normally I'm all about cheesy B horror, but after watching this movie I may have to rethink that. The plot is just ridiculous. What's really sad is that it HAD potential. The story of the couple and the babies could have really been creepy. But it was ruined by the bad wardrobe and the crazy wig of the 'mysterious lady', not to mention the fact that there's no real reason given for her visit or just why the first blood sacrifice had to be made...let alone the other blood sacrifices. Add to that the utter stupidity of having the one girl suddenly and randomly divulge that she is in fact the daughter of one of the twins. And don't even get me started on how bad the actors are. There was WAY too much filler and WAY too many holes for my liking. Who was the mysterious lady? Why was Amanda killing all these people anyway? What exactly was she getting out of the blood sacrifices (and what did the parents get out of the initial one besides dead crops)? If her sister was adopted out after the crash, why wasn't Amanda and why and how did she go back to the house anyway? And WTF was up with the penis she has in the one scene toward the end????? I didn't get that AT ALL. Bottom line: I'll never get back that hour and a half of my life. Don't waste your time.