Blood Money
Blood Money
| 31 March 2012 (USA)
Blood Money Trailers

In South Africa, a young man living with his wife becomes embroiled in an illegal diamond business and with time finds his life changing.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
silvan-desouza Bhatt films since NAAM(1986) and many countless films of theirs usually focus on life of a guy who gets lued by greed and then tries to reform himself.BLOOD MONEY based on smuggling of diamonds is another such film, The film is so predictable that you can guess it in the promos, It has all the ingredients of Vishesh films, hummable music, outdoor locales, hot scene and morality lessons excluding Emraan Hashmi but it lacks the tautness of most Bhatt films and the writing too is below par.The film starts off well, though there are some scenes which make no sense like how come Kunal gets a bungalow just after he gets the job? But the manner in which he enters the bad world till the interval is well handled but post interval the film suddenly focuses on Herogiri where Kunal chases the goons and then the sudden change of events in the climax looks abrupt and is treated amateurishly.Direction is decent in parts, Writing is below par Music is decent, most songs sound typical from Bhatt films but are goodKunal Khemmu thankfully is back to what he does best, after doing rubbish comedies and senseless films post his superb debut KALYUG and TRAFFIC SIGNAL is back with the Bhatts and back to a superb role He does a great job Amrita Puri is okay Manish Chaudhary is superb as the villain The rest are adequate
bobbysing Vishesh Films's latest venture is just made out of their own old films and inspirations taken from the West as usual. The subject has no novelty at all ruining every possible excitement to watch it as a new release. Very strangely the promos revealed the entire movie and its storyline which was in fact the most unintelligent step taken for its promotion. The film is only able to hold you for a while in the beginning. But as the plot progresses it really tries to test that how patiently you can watch the same repeated stuff being shown on the screen with some different actors.A middle class family boy, who dreams to be rich living in a big luxurious house, gets a job offer in a foreign country. His lady love is excited too but the good times gradually vanish in thin air as the boy comes to know about the criminal background of its company and the crimes in which he has been involved too unknowingly. Now if you can recall, the same was the basic storyline of Vishesh Film's"JANNAT" (2008) too with the cricket betting background and to some extent the traces were also there in Mahesh Bhatt's own "NAAM" (1986). Talking about the Western influences, a similar storyline can be seen in "THE FIRM" released in 1993 revolving around a young lawyer.So, BLOOD MONEY is purely based on the Bhatt set film-making style starting off with a romance and then entering into a criminal zone along with a little sex and few good hummable songs. But at the same time, it strongly indicates to be one of those unimportant movies which are quickly made in-between the other Big money making projects to show some non-profitable expenditure in the firm.In the acting department, all the sincere efforts of the cast including the confident Kunal Khemmu and the natural Amrita Puri (of AISHA fame), go in vain due to the stale & unimpressive subject of the film. Only Manish Chaudhuri is able to leave some kind of impact in the roll of the Boss among the supporting cast & Mia Udeshi is only there to fill in as the sexual attraction of the film. Supported by a fine Cinematography, it readily proves to be a Bhatt camp film due to the few interesting tracks in its soundtrack like Chaahat, Jo Tere Sang & Gunaah, which sadly remain incapable of saving the film from sinking. No doubt, debutant director Vishal Mahadkar brightly shows the talent he has in few sequences like the Diamond Selling scene in its first half. But I really fail to understand that why did he zeroed on to such an overused and uninteresting subject for his debut film. So learning a valuable lesson from BLOOD MONEY, he must give the subject of his film, the most serious thought next time.
kevinspells1990 The start scene it self makes it predictable, the new female actress din't deliver the goods and the bad make up on her adds up to it.there's no plot in the film. The songs were okay. Since the movie is shoot in South Africa it makes it a bit watchable. The movie conveys a message, a person becomes successful not by his honesty but by following wrong ways. The movie has not so good action scenes in fact it's lame and foolish. I don't why Bollywood tries to be like Hollywood instead of imitating they should be inspired by them and create something original, because even this movie seems some what like the Hollywood film blood diamond. I would not recommend you to watch this film, since it's a waste of time. I would rate this movie as:4/10
rightwingisevil with unconvincing storyline, lame plot, stupid location set, bad directing and naive acting. furthermore, if you want your audiences/viewers to take your production more seriously, adding the stupid traditional dancing and singing would only make it worse. i strongly suggest that the Hindi movie industries should gradually phase out the traditional and always irrelevant singing and dancing add-ons and tries to distant itself from such shallow, ridiculous, totally pointless but always thought they are a MUST-HAVE in Hindi movies. you can't have it all, my Indian friends, making all the movies always turned out to a Broadway musical is nothing but brainlessly stupid. what made me often feel awkward and clueless when i watched Hindi movies is: if you want us to take you Hindi movies seriously, less dancing and singing would be better, without either would be even better. the problem that i often felt about Hindi movie is when a movie looked just so serious, suddenly, all the characters started dancing and singing, it's just so outrageously out of place, man.this 'blood money' is no exception. it's already quite lame and lukewarm, adding some sudden dancing and singing scenes just looked more stupid. how could i take a further step to look this movie be serious? and those female eye candies in this movie were also unnecessary. Hindi guys in south Africa? give me a break, man.