Blood Mania
Blood Mania
R | 28 October 1970 (USA)
Blood Mania Trailers

A sex-crazed nympho helps speed along her father's death so she can use the inheritance to help out her depraved boyfriend.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
Cem Lamb This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
loveablejohn-26233 This movie has all the things a horror movie should have with suspenseful and bloody kill scenes along with nudity and sex.. But this movie suffered from poor acting along with a script that could have been better written as it had some plot holes in it plus the cinematography was poorly done in some scenes. However the soundtrack was decent and the scene with a woman trying to seduce the pool boy was hilarious which is why I gave it 5 stars.
soulexpress In this lurid slab of grindhouse fare, a ruthless, unhinged nympho named Victoria (Maria De Aragon) speeds up the death of her ailing father Ridgeley (Eric Allison) so her boyfriend, Dr. Craig Cooper (Peter Carpenter), can pay off a blackmailer (Arell Blanton). Complications ensue when the lion's share of the inheritance goes to Victoria's sister, Gail (Vicki Peters).Though marketed as a horror film, this is really an R-rated soap opera with two murders and far too many soft-core sex scenes. Yes, De Aragon and Peters (along with Reagan Wilson) look nice with their breasts bared, but unless the film is X-rated, I want a halfway decent story to accompany the boot-knocking. In that regard, BLOOD MANIA does not deliver. I also did not understand the ending, even though I watched it twice.The studly, 6'3" Carpenter was a passable actor, though hardly A- list material. Had a cerebral hemorrhage not killed him in 1971, he likely would have continued to produce and star in B movies for many years. Maria De Aragon is all over the place as the increasingly deranged Victoria. Her over-the-top hysterics after the reading of her father's will are something to behold. Also, there is good support from Leslie Simms as a kindly nurse and former sexpot Jacqueline Dayla as Gail's, ahem, "traveling companion." Eric Allison was too boyishly handsome to convincingly play the curmudgeonly father. And Vicki Peters must have been cast for her looks, because she couldn't act worth a damn. Her performance as the guileless Gail runs the gamut of emotion from A to B. And the cinematography showed a lot of imagination, though I could have done quite nicely with one less montage. In all, BLOOD MANIA is a reasonably entertaining bit of sleaze.Some dialogue samples:RIDGELEY: I could choke to death on my coffee and you wouldn't shed a tear.BLACKMAILER (to Carpenter): You're no longer that middle-class punk trying to brain your way out of the lower middle class.CARPENTER: I need fifty thousand. VICTORIA: Dollars? CARPENTER: Dollars.
arfdawg-1 The Plot.A sex-crazed nympho helps speed along her father's death so she can use the inheritance to help out her depraved boyfriend.Firstly the movie sucks. It's one of the weirdest films you'll ever see, and not in a good way.It's really horribly tedious to watch.On the plus side the technicolor rendering is great.But to be perfectly frank, all three stars I am giving this movie are because of the female lead who had the hottest body I have ever seen.Coupled with this is her complete willingness to strip down every 5 seconds. It's an amazing body to observe. Not an ounce of fat and the longest, flattest torso you will ever see.Get out the Vaseline.
Uriah43 "Dr. Craig Cooper" (Peter Carpenter) is a young doctor who finds himself being blackmailed for performing illegal abortions sometime earlier in his career. After hearing of his predicament his girlfriend by the name of "Cheryl" (Reagan Wilson) does her best to help him out. Likewise a woman named "Victoria Waterman" (Maria de Aragon) also wants to help him out by murdering her own father so that she can give him the money to pay off the blackmailer. But things don't work out as planned. Now rather than reveal any more of the story and risk ruining it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this particular movie had some good moments here and there. Unfortunately, there were several dull moments as well which tended to slow the film down quite a bit. Additionally, with two beauties like Maria de Aragon and Vicki Peters (as "Gail Waterman") on hand to grace the screen this movie could have been much better if the director (Robert Vincent O'Neill) had been a bit less artistic and more focused on passion and suspense. As it is I rate this film as slightly below average.