Blood Feud
Blood Feud
| 25 April 1983 (USA)
Blood Feud Trailers

Made for TV movie about Bobby Kennedy's campaign to bring Jimmy Hoffa to justice.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
smashbullets75 I never once got to watch any of the movies i picked and placed on the list !!!!! I don't know why, however i really don't care much any more. This page is confusing and i really don't want to read all the crap, for what ? Im pretty much done, It seems i must write more words to have this printed on my computer, so maby im doing something wrong, can some one please let me know how to watch movies that i put on the watch list ????? Its not like i placed a ton of movies to watch, only three, and its been well over a month now that i have been waiting !!!!! I think this whole site is some kind of scam as many things are today. well thank you my friends and god bless and good day !!!!!!!
skullislandsurferdotcom The dream was a three-hour-plus TV miniseries centering on Jimmy Hoffa played by Robert Blake who seems perfect for the role. Well he is perfect, although since this is mostly about Robert Kennedy, all but wearing blue spandex and a red cape, Blake's only allowed sporadic, overly-villainous filler to a propaganda-driven bio of the doomed RFK, which is alright since Cotter Smith does an excellent job playing an important character in fifties and sixties politics, but should have been promoted as a Kennedy meal with Hoffa on the side instead of vice versa.This, being a true story, tries for that suspenseful edge liken to fictional mob films, but never quite delivers any real punches. Blake is fun to watch as always, but there should have been a lot more of him.
lord woodburry A Crusade against communism isn't working so the senators decide to pick on the unions instead. Newly installed Teamster president Jimmy Hoffa is on target as soon as he forced his indolent predecessor out. Unlike the Kennedys who'd like to appear to be pro-labour, Hoffa is a 100% pro union, winning in 1960 the best wage increase ever in an industry wide pact.Enter snivelling Bobby Kennedy. He's out to get Hoffa by hook or by crook. Are they bound for mutual self-destruction? There's an excellent view of the utter cynicism in the hidden back passageways of power: "we can't fight communism so lets bust unions," says one Senator to John Kennedy.
tonstant viewer Great production values for a TV miniseries. Director Mike Newell shows great gusto in dealing with groups of people, a trait which became even more evident as he went on to "Enchanted April," "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and "Pushing Tin." The supporting cast does distinguished work.Cotter Smith is daring in his first venture outside series TV when he borrows so many of Robert Kennedy's unsympathetic mannerisms, and he certainly can't be accused of holding back. Unfortunately, he's missing the undisputed charisma of RFK and worse, he's up against Robert Blake as Hoffa.Evil is always more interesting than good, and Blake has a lifetime of scene-stealing behind him. He's fifteen years past "In Cold Blood" here, and at the top of his game. He's a madman spouting hypocrisy so well that while he's talking you might believe him. You definitely can't take your eyes off him. In the acting duel, as opposed to real life, Kennedy doesn't stand a chance here.So it's worthwhile viewing, but remember afterwards, after Kennedy was killed by a Palestinian gunman, RFK's lifetime of work for civil rights and against crime left the world a better place.And as Jimmy Hoffa slumbers peacefully under the 50-yard line at Meadowlands Stadium, remember that he stole recklessly from his union membership, and connived at far worse crimes than that. Nixon may have pardoned him, but we don't have to.