SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Good start, but then it gets ruined
The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Nayan Gough
A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
A gifted director brings to the screen a best-selling novel that ostensibly tells the true story of a rejected immigrant community within Japan. The Korean star (Takeshi Kitano) felt the need to change his name from Korean to Japanese, which proves the point. The film is a shocking condemnation of Japanese society gone by: the appalling indifference to violence when committed by an all-powerful father figure, the ghastly suffering of the womenfolk ignored by the all-male police force, and the helplessness of workers before a tyrannical boss. In the background is the lawless ruthlessness of the yakuza criminal mob, available to the cruel money-lender as enforcers for debts. If you ever felt romantic about Japanese society, this realistic-feeling movie will disillusion you. It's no wonder that young women are reported to be leaving the country, if there's any truth to this picture at all. They don't fancy appealing to the gods at their shrine in the kitchen to release them from torture and slavery, instead of telephoning the police and social workers.The performances are all excellent: it must have been loathsome to depict act after act of insensate violence, all unavenged to the last frame. Hats off to Production Designer Emiko Tsuyuki and Art Director Toshihiro Isomi for a very watchable movie. This is powerful drama, compelling the audience to watch while conveying a powerful and courageous criticism of the world in which it is made.Why is this face of Japan so cold and indifferent? Why did General Macarthur's military dictatorship not introduce more humane values and social justice in the years following the defeat of Japan's fanatical military elite? This is the aspect of Japan that the Allies detested so deeply: the cruelty and indifference displayed by Japanese leaders to their own soldiers and to Allied prisoners alike.Let's hope that the relentlessly unpleasant figure so convincingly depicted by Takeshi Kitano could never thrive again in today's Japan, but Blood And Bones does not inspire confidence. One of the fine points of Kitano's performance comes on the occasion when he cracks a very rare smile, and we realise that he is sharpening his knife to cut open a live pig and drain its blood. I enjoyed that moment of insight into his character by the actor and his director. A relentless and brave critique, both of life and of Japan, and a fine film worth enduring to the end.
also can't understand, and this goes for many great movies. So for all those who called the movie "boring", you should open up a ?uckin history book (or a bunch)-then watch the movie again. BloodtoBone is like a "Izo" sort of film, where the full effect of the story, characters, and history must be understood. Otherwise, it will definitely be boring/ and or /horrific. In terms of cinematic presentation & visual representation, the film gets high marks. Fun factor? Depends on your knowledge of Japanese/Korean history. The subtitles are pretty $hitty, and doesn't fully represent the actual duologue.This film isn't for everyone, and especially those who don't like to understand perspectives which they do not.MoulAe OaKLanD,CA 510UBEEZYz
La femme Nikita
This movie wasn't exactly my first choice of a show to watch on a Sunday afternoon, but it was what my husband was very keen to catch, so we saw it. Barely a few minutes into the movie, i had to watch a violent marital rape scene, and i thought "oh oh..i don't think i'm going to like this movie at all." However, as we left the cinema as the credits rolled, i told my husband that as hard as it was to watch this movie, i still found it compelling and in a strange, sad sort of way, i enjoyed it. i think if i summarized, it was the story of the life of a violent man who did what he wanted, when he wanted, with whom he wanted with nary an iota of regard for another human being. It was the story of how he lived and how he died, as seen thru the eyes of his son.
Apparently this movie set out to make its viewers feel bad, and it certainly worked for me. This is one of the dullest scripts I have seen turned into movie lately. Having read sk4ek's comment on this, maybe it would be fair to add that it was made from a novel, and I watched the subtitled version (and I don't understand Japanese), so it seems I probably didn't get a lot of what made the novel good. Anyway, the script is all about what a gargantuan a**hole Kitano's character is, but whatever else happens just doesn't add much to the story. Just imagine the worst things a father could possibly do to his family, sequence them on a timeline, and you have the plot of this movie. But there simply is no character evolvement, no turning point, nothing that gives an interesting twist to things, they only keep getting worse.***mild spoiler below***Once I thought the story was going to take off, when another illegitimate son of A**hole Father moved in with the family, finally someone who had the potential to give a swerve to the plot line. After being defeated in a fistfight, he tells the boy who narrates the whole story to study hard, walks away and gets shot ten days later off screen. Segue boring story continued. The cinematography is alright, but not outstanding, and not enough to save this movie.