Blind Adventure
Blind Adventure
NR | 18 August 1933 (USA)
Blind Adventure Trailers

Richard Bruce, an American in fog bound London stumbles into the midst of international intrigue, with Rose Thorne, an innocent dupe. Together they try to unravel the mystery, enlisting the aid of a cat burglar named Holmes, who they bump into along the way.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
boblipton Noel Coward may have sung of the self-possession of an Englishman in New York, but Robert Armstrong is an American in London in this movie. Lost in a Pea-Souper, he wanders into a home to ask directions back to his hotel only to discover a corpse resting in an armchair.This quickie is more interesting for its details than its overall effect. The fun of seeing Roland Young playing a soft-hearted Cockney burglar is offset a bit by Helen Mack's unsteady posh accent; the nice plot conceit of starting the movie out by having the whole thing appear to be a P.G. Wodehouse London populated by idiotic young Drones, only to finally reveal the John-Buchan machinations beneath is lessened by the limited number of jokes (mostly a fascination with English Trifles) and the inexplicable inability of people to overcome a copper armed with a whistle.Still, what there is, is good, is mostly well performed and moves at a good clip. If the bits don't hang together perfectly, many of the bits are a lot of fun.
bkoganbing People who ran the B picture and poverty row studios long realized that fog could mask a low budget on a film. And when you set a film in London it's a requirement.Newly arrived American Robert Armstrong is itching for a bit of night life so he goes out on a foggy night in London town and hears some screams coming from a house. Finding the door open he walks in and finds a dead body. But when he summons the police they find no dead body and people thinking Armstrong is a bit balmy.But he does make a friend in Helen Mack who decides the American stranger is one she can trust. Of course the whole thing is resolved by the end.The whole thing is shot from Armstrong's point of view as he meets a lot of varying characters and tries to figure out who he can trust. Turns out he can't trust too many.Although the leads are fine and would work together in Son Of Kong, the film is stolen by Roland Young who with cockney accent plays his own lower class version of the amateur cracksman replete with some really droll dialog.Fans of Roland Young should not miss this one.
Michael_Elliott Blind Adventure (1933) ** 1/2 (out of 4)Director Schoedsack and star Robert Armstrong made this film right after KING KONG and right before THE SON OF KONG so needless to say it's understandable why it's been forgotten over the years. In the film Armstrong plays an American visiting London for the first time and he accidentally walks into a house and finds a dead body. Before long he, a woman (Helen Mack) and a burglars (Roland Young) are involved with a gang of criminals trying to blackmail an important figure. This certainly isn't in the same league as other Schoedsack titles but it's a decent little mystery that will appeal to those who enjoy this type of low-budget thriller, which RKO was an expert at back in the day. For the most part the story is a rather interesting one even though the screenplay never gets too deep into any sort of details. We're pretty much introduced to our characters, the conspiracy and then we see it play out with a few twists and turns but for the most part everything is played straight and quick. At just 63-minutes there's really not too many details about anything but this isn't a bad thing because I'm sure had they added more time then the thing would have started to drag. Armstong is pretty good in his part as the story gives him plenty of attempts at playing the strong, tough guy but it also has fun with his comic timing. This is easy to spot during a scene where he's trying to get out of a party so that he can get a bit of information to the Secret Service. The story really doesn't do Mack much justice but she's certainly easy on the eyes and mixes well with Armstrong. Young doesn't get much to do either but he's fine in the role as is a young Ralph Bellamy. There's some running gags about Americans in London and we even get some nice atmosphere thanks to what appears to be the best fog machine in Hollywood history. The amount of fog that is constantly going is rather fun and makes for a few interesting scenes including one on top of a building where our three leads are trying to get down. BLIND ADVENTURE isn't going to make anyone forget that giant ape but if you've got some time to kill you should be entertained.
dwpollar 1st watched 6/4/2002 - 7 out of 10(Dir-Ernest Shoedsack): Whimsical, and interesting man being at the wrong place at the wrong time movie where an American in London becomes involved with some sort of spy thriller quite accidentally. Hard to find, forgotten film from the co-director of `King Kong.' is really played out well from beginning to end. Robert Armstrong plays the man in the wrong place with humor and bravado when needed, showing his ability to con even the cons on his own despite his anonymity. He was supposed to be taking in London for the excitement of the city but on his own he was bored, but he's dragged into an adventure that is carried on mostly in the fog-filled London streets which I'm sure helped give it the title. This is a quiet gem that should be brought out more into the open. Watch it if you can find it.