Blaze You Out
Blaze You Out
R | 30 July 2013 (USA)
Blaze You Out Trailers

Lupe, a strong-willed aspiring DJ, and her younger sister Alicia live in the Esperanza Valley, a community that is suffocating by generations of heroin use. When Alicia witnesses a murder and disappears, Lupe sets out on a dangerous journey that forces her into the town's ruthless underworld. She quickly discovers that in order to save the person that matters most, she must harness the power that exists within her and connect with the divine that surrounds her.

Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Caliann BLAZE YOU OUT is a handsome first feature by directors Mateo Frazier and Diego Joaquin Lopez and their talented cast and crew. Set in northern New Mexico, the film is a masterful tapestry of stunning landscapes and human drama. Life would be normal in this Latino and Native American town except for the evil - a cunning drug-dealing matriarch (Elizabeth Pena) and her seductively twisted son, Whitey (brilliantly portrayed by Mark Adair-Rios). But they go too far when Whitey doggedly pursues Alicia (Melissa Cordero), a witness to one of his murders. With ferocious determination, Alicia's sister, Lupe (portrayed by the talented Veronica Diaz-Carranza) recruits her friends who invoke their own courage and mystical forces to save themselves and their cultures from extinction. Superb cinematography and editing, visually rich lighting -- huge production value. Well done.
pwix The reason I watched this movie is that it has an original story. I give it points for that and a few more for some good performances, especially including Elizabeth Peña, Raoul Trujillo, Veronica Diaz, and Melissa Cordero. It just wasn't well written. The story has people showing up with no clear idea who they are or what their connection to the plot is. During important scenes I wondered things like, Who is that? What place is that and why did they go there? I supposed the snake bit Whitey because of a brujeria because Whitey was not bothering it and wasn't too close to it, but that is entirely my assumption. If the brujo didn't cause it, then that was lame and unrealistic. I wondered how Alicia got the keys to Whitey's car. Decent writing could at least have plugged a few holes. Good writing could have made this movie really special. Overall I would say nice try. Keep working on your craft because you got my attention.
ctester The strong bond between these siblings is Epic. The elder sister will do all what it takes by any means necessary to sustain her only younger sister's livelihood after learning what she (young Sis) has got in herself into. Living in a Barrio (Latino-Hoodom) for some is not always simple!This movie is a Powerful, Profound and Highly Plausible way of life in any Chicano community here in North America that is portrayed here.With well known Latin celebrities alike and others, actors/actresses all shown superior performance. This is an all Hispanic, Latino/Latina and Native American depicted story.Without a doubt awards will be earn and deserved for this dramatic movie.
potterbond007-51-23461 Alright, so my friend brought this movie over and I thought, a sister fighting to save her younger sister against the heroin mafia. Hell, sounds good. But I never knew that "fighting" against the mafia meant going around to different people and asking them if they have seen her sister. So in short, there is this gangster named Whitey who goes around killing people who apparently took some money that belonged to him and his mother. He kills a guy who was with the sister of the heroine, the sister goes into hiding, blah blah blah, the guy goes around asking people if anyone has seen her. The heroine goes around asking people if anyone has seen her sister. That's it. Apparently the underworld consists of one guy and his mom according to this movie. Spanish is spoken liberally throughout the movie so if you have no idea about the language or have no subtitles, don't bother. Why this movie is categorized under action is beyond me..
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