Blackbeard, the Pirate
Blackbeard, the Pirate
| 24 December 1952 (USA)
Blackbeard, the Pirate Trailers

Honest Robert Maynard finds himself serving as ship's surgeon under the infamous pirate Blackbeard.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
st-shot Raoul Walsh's direction is sloppy in this technicolor high seas adventure that never gets much wind in its sail outside of the outlandishly wonderful scenery chewing performance by Robert Newton as the title character. Newton who would go on to play more benign pirates (Long John Silver) is deliciously duplicitous from start to finish as he attempts to outfox all around him including his crew who hate but fear him more.Director Walsh who helmed some excellent adventure dramas in the past seems to settle for anything mixing haphazard seriousness with mawkish romance and some dark comedy that Newton drives home with gusto. There's a decent sea battle, Linda Darnel displaying cleavage and Irene "Granny" Ryan scoring a few laughs as her lady in waiting but the film remains a burlesque most of the way with Newton thankfully center stage going over the top throughout before receiving a fitting exit befitting the most dastardly of screen pirates.
Armand a really nice story. its basic virtue remains the performance of Robert Newton who creates the perfect pirate image. than, the charming couple Linda Darnell - Keith Andes and the flavor from other space, land, sensitivity. it is a classical story about treasure with the veil of romance. but it has the gift to be more than an another movie with pirates, adventures and victory of good guys. it is a not brilliant but beautiful story. the humor, the clever solutions, the fight scenes are nice and almost touching. so, more than entertainment, it is a trip in heart of a fashion and chance to admire a special actor in clothes of a legendary hero.
shiloh_3 This is not a movie of great measure. It's just a VERY good showcase for the ultimate pirate actor, Robert Newton, who fits the role so perfectly as to become THE pirate to be imitated in every pirate movie to follow. He is the centerpiece of this film, make no mistake about that. Every scene belongs to him and every word of dialogue he speaks is the learning base for future "pirates" of the silver screen.Not a Newton fan? Steer clear, then Matey, because this movie is his and his alone. Not even the beautiful Linda Darnell can distract from him in any scene they share. He is an overpowering and magnetic force when he plays his pirate to perfection.AWWWWWRRRRRRRRRR.Being a big fan of the man I enjoyed this movie thoroughly. I find his acting to be natural and amusing. This is his niche and here he rules.
hans101067 This is a lot of fun,but is not for those who insist on subtle acting.Newton has the time of his life as a drunken psychotic.He really does go over the top.The dialogue is rather good,all things being considered,and the plot is better than one might have expected.There are only 3 or 4 loose ends.Darnell,Andese,and Thatcher all do quite well with their roles,and the pirates are as grisly a crew of jackals as you could imagine.(Gilly,in particular,not only acts well,but is nicely creepy,besides.)The only major disappointment is bendix;this fine performer wasn't suited for costume dramas.A good picture for kids ages 12 and under,or for those with a broad sense of humor.