Black Swarm
Black Swarm
| 07 December 2007 (USA)
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A widow, Deputy Sheriff Jane Kozik, moves from Manhattan to Black Stone, New York, with her daughter Kelsey. There she expects to find a safe place to live. The day after moving, a homeless man is found dead in the tool shed of Jane's blind friend Beverly; an entomologist, Katherine is summoned to help with the investigation, along with Devin, Jane's brother-in-law and former boyfriend. Meanwhile, Kelsey befriends Eli, a scientist who has developed genetically modified wasps to the army as a weapon, and who is now trying to revert the process. When the wasps attack Black Stone, Jane, Devin and Eli team-up to attempt to destroy the swarm.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Paul Magne Haakonsen While "Black Swarm" is a fairly generic movie in the genre with killer insects, and by that I mean following the manual of how to make such a movie. It is still an entertaining enough movie for what it turned out to be."Black Swarm" is about a deadly swarm of genetically altered wasps that threaten the lives of the inhabitants of a small town.Well, you know how it goes, hence there is no need to carve out the story in further detail. If you have seen any of the many other similar movies throughout the years then you know exactly what I am talking about.The effects in the movie were quite alright, which helped add to the overall enjoyment of the movie.What initially made me sit down to watch this movie was the fact that Robert Englund is in it. And, as usual, he did a good job and added his usual charms to the movie. Sarah Allen, Sebastien Roberts and Rebecca Windheim all also did good jobs with their roles.I am settlings on a mediocre five out of ten stars because it is an entertaining movie, but there just wasn't a particularly great sense of impending threat from the CGI animated wasps.
gavin6942 A small town is overrun by wasps that not only sting, but actually infest themselves inside of human hosts...I appreciate that Robert Englund not only appears -- and for much more than a cameo -- but is actually given a decent character. This film is nothing amazing, but Englund treated it with respect and he comes across as both devious and mysterious, while still likable.This film has some issues with continuity -- for example, the question of who is dead. Twice the sheriff seems to be aware that people are dead without having actually witnessed the scenes we (the viewers) saw. Just because it happens earlier in the script does not mean all the characters suddenly are aware of it.Even more odd is the relationship issue -- a woman dates a guy, leaves him for his identical twin brother... the second brother dies and she is again interested in the first. Dating brothers is awkward enough... this just steps it up to a new level. (And unless Sarah Allen ages really, really well, she seems too young to have a 10-year old daughter.)
always-be-blue I can often tolerate, even enjoy a poorly made movie if it's at least plausible. But at so many moments in this film you were left wondering "who the hell would do that ??"Why would a mother leave her daughter in the care of a complete stranger ? A stranger who has a secret laboratory under his mobile home nonetheless. Most of the acting is really not horrible in comparison to other low budget movies, it's the story and the dialog that is just pitiful.I am simply amazed that this movie ever got made.You have been warned, your time spent watching this will be wasted.
Scarecrow-88 Decent "when insects attack" sci-fi horror has genetically modified weaponized killer wasps(created by scientist Robert Englund who "tweaked the wasp genome" turning their defensive mechanism of protecting the colony into an offense operating by instinct when attacking humans entering their bodies and turning them into zombie-like drones)on the rampage in a tiny town in Black Stone, New York as pest control exterminator Devin Hall(Sebastien Roberts), former flame deputy sheriff, Jane Kozik(Sarah Allen), and Jane's daughter Kelsey(Rebecca Windheim)trying to avoid being victims of the swarm. Englund's scientist Eli Giles is attempting to uncover a means to control the wasps from attacking everyone in sight, knowing that the black ops organization behind his experiment are out to get him. Entomologist Katherine Randell(Jayne Keitmeyer)comes to Black Stone seemingly to help figure out what would cause strange welts on a dead struggling musician(who kills the town's coroner at the command of the wasps), but her true motives are later revealed and it involves Eli's work. Kelsey eats from a peach injected with pheromones by Eli and this has the wasps considering her their queen! The special effects involving the wasps actually aren't as bad as I was expecting and BLACK SWARM has a rare hero role from Englund who bonds with Kelsey, even saving her from a hive. We see insects coming out of the ears of human victims and there are welts throughout their faces which signify the presence of the wasps inside them. You could do worse with a killer wasps movie than this. Like many other bio-weapon governmental genetic engineering plots, the wasps were created as a military tool against the enemy, of course the mad science instead gives birth to an out-of-control terror. Eli wants to correct his mistake of creating these wasps by working on a device to control them while those that hired him wish to kill the scientist.
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