Black Pit of Dr. M
Black Pit of Dr. M
NR | 11 October 1961 (USA)
Black Pit of Dr. M Trailers

Two doctors make a pact in which they swear that the first to die will return - if possible - to tell the other how to get a glimpse of the afterlife while still alive.

Incannerax What a waste of my time!!!
Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
SoftInloveRox Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
Konterr Brilliant and touching
ferbs54 Mexican director Fernando Mendez' 1958 horror masterpiece "The Black Pit of Dr. M" originally appeared under the title "Misterios de Ultratumba" ("Mysteries of the Afterlife"), certainly a more appropriate appellation. In this film, you see, Dr. Masali, head of a rural insane asylum, coerces a dying associate, Dr. Aldama, to show him the secrets of the realm of the dead, and then return him to the land of the living. But poor Dr. Masali should have known that when you make a deal with the soon-to-be-dead, things don't always turn out quite as expected! And they don't, in this very cleverly plotted story that conflates a predestined love affair, an insane gypsy woman, a cursed dagger, disfigurement by acid, transmigration and so much more. Rafael Bertrand is truly excellent as the obsessed Dr. Masali, and special praise must also be heaped on cinematographer Victor Herrera for his work on "Dr. M." His B&W nighttime photography (most of the film does transpire at night) is a thing of real beauty, replete with moving shadows and dense, swirling mists; his work on another of Mendez' horror films from 1958, "The Living Coffin," seems far more pedestrian, in prosaic color. "Dr. M" is the kind of film that serves up a startling plot twist every few minutes or so. I would hate to spoil things for any potential viewer by saying too much, but thus feel that this minireview is not doing this tremendous picture justice. So please just trust me on this one--this film should be required viewing for all horror fans. The fine folks at Casa Negra should be thanked for rescuing this little gem from obscurity, and presenting it via a great-looking, excellently subtitled DVD, and with many fine extras, too. Again, gracias, Casa Negra.
The_Void Casa Negra, the DVD releasing company with the foresight to release a whole host of Mexican horror films including this one, really have been a god send for fans of cult horror movies. The more Mexican horror I see, the more impressed I become - and The Black pit of Dr M is yet another major Mexican highlight. The film takes obvious influence from the classic American Universal horror of the 1930's, but it takes this influence and crafts a sprawling and mostly original tale of terror from it. The Mexicans, judging by these recent releases, seem to love supernatural horror, and that makes up a big part of the backbone of this film. We focus on two doctors - Dr. Aldama and Dr. Mazali. They have made a 'death pact', in which the first to die will come back and tell the other the secret of life after death. Dr. Mazali is the one fortune enough to stay alive, and after a posthumous visit from Dr Aldama, he finds out that the secret will be revealed to him on the fifteenth of November...but is the price of cheating death too high for the curious Dr Mazali? The best thing about this film is undoubtedly the thick and foreboding atmosphere which permeates every scene. The atmosphere is backed up by an over the top but effective score, which grabs your attention every time it features; although it has to be said that using it a little less wouldn't have harmed the film too much. Like the later film, The Witch's Mirror, this one attempts to build in a handful of sub-plots, but this time they don't intrude on the central plot, and director Fernando Méndez manages to pull all the elements of the story together for a chilling and effective climax. The film features a number of memorable sequences - the standout for me was the sequence with the gallows pole, and the one that follows immediately after. Director Fernando Méndez keeps the film intriguing throughout, and The Black Pit of Dr M never becomes boring. The opening and ending sequences add an extra little bit of interest to an already fascinating slice of world cinema, and overall; I have to say that The Black Pit of Dr M is one of the finest Mexican horror films I've seen, and comes highly recommended!
sls75235 This is in regard to the review below of the movie "The Black Pit Of Dr. M". You are correct when you said the movie went by another name. Years ago it used to show on "CHILLER THEATER" and it played under the name of "The Black Pit Of Dr. X" with English subtitles, it was also shown from time to time with English dubbing. This movie has just been released on DVD and you have a choice at the start of the movie, either English OR Spanish. But if it changes anything at all I have yet to find it. Still no English dubbing unless I've hit something wrong on the DVD (I tried it several times). Instead I ended up watching it in Spanish with English subtitles (which was alright with me since my Spanish is a little rusty). The movie has held up extremely well over the years and is as frightening today as it was the first time I saw it. The only small drawback may be the Soap Opera music played during the so called love scenes. There are tons and tons of what seem to be supernatural atmosphere and this movie will scare the pants off you. Enjoy!
evilskip There isn't an english dubbed or subtitled print to be had of this film.That is too bad because it is a creepy little number.Having watched the Spanish language print a few times I have gleaned a little understanding of what is going on.But full comprehension would be helped if the dialogue could be followed.Dr M runs an insane asylum with Dr Gonzalez and a third doctor.Dr M makes a pact with the third doctor.Whichever of the two dies first will come back to explain death to the survivor.Well the other doctor dies.He not only comes back but he tells Dr M that he too will join him in death in 3 months(?).Things aren't going well at the asylum.One of the most violent patients escapes.She then throws a bottle of acid into the orderly Elmer's face.She is subdued but Elmer is horribly burned via the acid.A young woman comes into Dr M's life.Since I don't speak Spanish I have no clue as to who she is.She also falls in love with a young man even though Dr M is in love with her.He plays the violin for her often( and yes this figures in).There is also the other doctor's ghost hanging around causing a few problems.Elmer has his bandages removed and goes ape$*** when he sees how disfigured he is.He plots to kill the woman who disfigured him.Well that night the doc is playing the violin for the young girl (who is waiting for the young man).The lunatic escapes(helped by the ghost)and the grounds are in an uproar.Elmer finds her and aided by the ghost stabs her to death.Elmer takes off and Dr M finds the dead lunatic.Dr M is arrested for her murder.Dr M is jailed for the murder of the lunatic.After hearing of this Elmer writes a confession.But on his way to turn himself in he either dies of a heart attack or the ghost kills him.The ghost causes the note to blow away in the wind.Will Dr M pay the ultimate price?There is still a lot of movie left for you to find out. There are some absolutely creepy and stunning shots in this movie.The asylum is creepy and is fog shrouded.The scene where Dr M is stopped in front of the hanging platform is back lit and chilling.There is a graveyard scene that is very well done also.Again I really wish I could understand the dialogue as it would explain who the juvenile leads are.But it is certainly worth a look in any language.