Black Mirror: Black Museum
Black Mirror: Black Museum
| 29 December 2017 (USA)
Black Mirror: Black Museum Trailers

Plot Unknow

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Claudio Carvalho While driving to celebrate her father´s birthday, Nish stops at a lonely station to recharge the batteries of her car and walks to the criminal Dark Museum before the opening hour. However the owner Rolo Haynes admits Nish and tells the dark story related to each object. The air conditioning is out of work and Haynes drinks a bottle of water provided by Nish. Soon he learns who she is and what he agenda is. "Dark Museum" is a dark tale and one of the best episodes of "Black Mirror". Each segment is attractive but the lead story is very creepy and the conclusion surprises the viewer. My vote is nine.Title (Brazil): "Dark Museum"
glixia I thought I would be used to Black Mirror's dark stories by now. This episode rocked me to my core. The most disturbing theme throughout the BM episodes is this eternal consciousness - pain and torture, which never has relief through death. It's really disturbing. I hope we never develop this type of tech even for the worst people on earth.BM is definitely the best series I've watched, even though a bit traumatic lol. But I need to recover from this episode so happy to wait for S5.
kalchomcgradypg This season of black mirror was definetly the worst of all...They tried some new stuff,and although i respect that ,the stuff they tried were just pointless and not black mirror-like..I liked killing the dj episode a lot,it was perfect but still it was not black mirror...This one is Black Mirror as it can be.Mystery,grit,amazing acting,good music,solid directing and gut-wrenching story...Also Rolo Haynes is one of the most striking and penetrative character we yet seen on this show..Well done !
edeweystem Takes concepts from many other episodes, which isn't bad in itself. But it cheapens an episode like White Christmas: Back then the thought of imprisoning a cookie for months, years, or centuries really gripped me and I could see how someone could justify those actions despite their immorality. But COME ON, I just cannot buy people wanting to eternally torture thousands of copies of someone, it was so over-the-top that it didn't move or effect me at all. The ending resolves none of this, with the girl ending the suffering of just one of the copies of her dad and treating the guy who imprisoned him with the same torture. I had a few other gripes, but the episode was still OK, just not up to the standard that previous episodes of this show have set.