Bits and Pieces
Bits and Pieces
| 01 January 1985 (USA)
Bits and Pieces Trailers

A psychopath with a mother fixation terrorizes a city, picking out young beautiful women as his victims.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
SCanfield20 The director, Leland Thomas, taught film-making at the film school I went to for a few years, and the entire first quarter of school he teaches new students a basics of production class, and the entire time he tells all his students that at the end of the quarter he'll show everyone how not to make a movie, and eventually, sometimes grudgingly, shows Bits and Pieces. He even admits it's a grandly terrible film, but for his students and the people that know Lee, this movie is fantastic. Sure, it was made for the sole purposes of making money, and eventually cut down by the producers so the cut that is circulating (not sure where, he said it might get a DVD release someday soon) is devoid of pretty much all the gore they shot for the film. Not that gore would save this mess of a film, but if you know Lee and the type of heartfelt guy he is, you can't solely blame him for making this movie terribly. Still, when I finally saw it, it was a funny movie, and I enjoyed watching it, if only for the reasons stated above, and it's a lot better when you're told for 3 months how terrible it is going to be, and all the reasons why. Definitely a great learning experience I must say.
The Alexorcist Generally, the slasher sub-genre has certain rules of logic. Sure, there's bad slasher movies, but I can usually expect them not to detour too far from the basic conventions of reality."Bits and Pieces" breaks the mold. The characters do and say things that are so wildly implausible, I was compelled to see what crazy stuff would happen next.If you care, there are spoilers ahead. Okay, after a college girl loses a close friend to a deranged killer, a detective at least fifteen years her senior asks her if she wants to spend a day at the beach. That should give you some idea where we're at here. And there's more. Much more.Now, the plot is standard. A kid was traumatized by seeing his mom get it on with some dude--plus, they dress him up in drag as punishment for being a pervert. Weird, yes? Anyway, long after the mom is dead and communicating from beyond the grave, the son is murdering young ladies and dressing them up like what mother did to him. When he misses a chance at a potential victim, the crazy man-child starts stalking her.But it's not the plot that will keep you from hitting stop or fast forward. It's the terrible dialogue, unrealistic situations, and the actors that have to make do.Is this a good movie? No. Is it scary? No. But it is worth watching, oh yes. If only because it is so effin' wacky. Just when you think the dialogue can't be more forced or corny, it is. Just when you think it will start making sense, it doesn't.Like the subject line implies, this is so bad that it transcends its badness. It, in fact, reaches a new plateau of bad, which actually might be good. It's just that nutty.Trust me, true believer. If you're looking for something that is brazenly below average in every conceivable way, and yet thoroughly watchable, this is the movie for you.It could give "Plan 9" a run for its money.
pnauman9 This was pretty pathetic. A loser nutcase abused by his mom goes nuts and kidnaps women and kills them. There is virtually no gore in this so-called slasher film. There is no on screen violence at all. There are some close ups of womens breasts while they're tied up before he kills them, that's about the only worthwhile thing I can say about this waste of time.
ScreenJunkies What else could you want in a slasher flick than naked people, laughs and gore? You can just tell that this crew had a ball making this film, "Bits and Pieces" is a cult 80's classic. After his mother tortures and torments our lead psycho, he grows up to torture women and leave them in bits and pieces in the dumpster. This film is a great ride. Who will survive, and who will be chopped up into bits and pieces? Find out for yourself and catch Leland Thomas's wonderful gorefest!
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