| 24 April 2012 (USA)
Birdsong Trailers

As an English soldier fights in the horrific trenches of northern France, he is haunted by the memories of his forbidden love affair with a French woman.

Wordiezett So much average
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
RITESH KUMAR It's a good love story during the world war 1. I love the combination and the way it has been delivered is awesome, Acting of Eddie(Stephen Wraysford) was fantastic as usual, and Clémence Poésy(Isabella)what a beauty! Highly recommended for the people who like love stories and War(too), watch patiently and enjoy.
emuir-1 Fortunately one can apply the fast forward button when watching a DVD. I struggled through part one, then decided to hit the fast forward every time the action moved from the trench warfare to the sappy romance complete with background piano. If this had been a Swedish film it could not have been slower. It would have been better to focus on the futility and horrors of WWI and scrap the romance, or to confine the romance to part one, and WWI to part 2 with no flashbacks. Perhaps if the director had cut the long pauses between Stephen and Isabelle it might have helped. When the ubiquitous weepy soap opera ending was revealed, I groaned.By contrast, the WWI story was spellbinding, particularly the character of Jack Firebrace. If the tedious romance bogged it down, the flitting back and forth from 1910 Amiens to WWI was overdone. Save it for MTV. Too much, too often, and too fast.
Erik This review may contain spoilers. And it should if you want to stay away from this. I don't understand todays castings in many films and series - it must be that some so called actors only get their parts from the reason that they're related to the producers or some such explanation. Eddie Redmayne must be such an "actor", which is a very generous term in his case. Every other participant in this series is actually doing their jobs! Especially Clémence Poésy and Joseph Mawle who doesn't shine here, but does a decent working part.The story and overall plot is very straight forward, and one easily gets involved in the love affair and more recent situation in the trenches of WWI. But the wooden acting of Mr. Redmayne annoyed me from the start! His face doesn't even move much during the shoots. He keeps the same dumbfounded look in every situation! Even when he's seriously wounded and presumed dead, even then he's as expressive as a door knob! Gods! Please will someone explain to Mr. Redmayne that he's chosen the wrong occupation! He's certainly not an actor. And never will be.
Piafredux In 'Birdsong,' which is overall dismal, self-indulgent, plodding, and almost lethally dull, there is one good thing, just one: Marie-Josée Croze, whose acting in this miniseries made her character, Jeanne, stand out to convince the audience that, among the series' other bloodless uninteresting characters, Jeanne alone is flesh and blood, heart and soul - a genuine, fully-dimensioned human being jam-packed with sense and emotion. Ten stars, then, for Ms. Croze's performance.To my wits and sense the rest of the characters appeared to be cardboard cutouts - yes, even Jack Firebrace, who struck me as inhabiting the BBC's stock role of the working class stand-in who delivers the BBC's notional ration of the homely wisdom of the Great Unwashed whom the bien pensant of the BBC unfailingly show themselves to hold in contempt, except when it suits the British political class's worship and imposition of dead dull Marxist tropes.Great, memorable filmmaking succeeds at showing that less is more. 'Birdsong' lavishes an immense surfeit of less, bereft even of the pretense to have even lethargically hinted at more.