Biohazard: Patient Zero
Biohazard: Patient Zero
PG-13 | 31 October 2011 (USA)
Biohazard: Patient Zero Trailers

Two young scientists are swept up in a government plot to suppress the truth about a biological disaster at a genetic research facility.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
confidential-67897 How can normally good actors, act so terribly in this movie, it must be the director. The premise is interesting but nothing ever comes of it. You will end up fast forwarding parts of this movie as it does get a bit boring. Don't bother with this movie, just watch 28 days later again.
kosmasp But that doesn't make this good either. Especially rings true in certain moments when characters have to "act" or move the plot forward. It's really cringe worthy in the worst sense there is. The action/stunts are kind of watchable if you consider the low budget this had. The set itself is well used, though again, very constricted by budgetary reasons and it's not helping itself either.Apart from the actors, you also get dealt your usual clichés. Nothing you have to be too much surprised about with this. But predictability alone wouldn't have hurt the movie, it's the sum of all the things mentioned. Some might have a bigger heart for this, but a lot will feel even more disappointed than my vote is displaying
Jonas1969 There isn't anything new here and it has all been done a lot better before, but it isn't awful and considering the budget I'd call it OK.They have borrowed a lot from other movies but primarily from Resident Evil (2002), although the limited budget means that it isn't on anything like the same scale.If you do something that has very much been done before you need to have some twist or gimmick and here there is neither and the end leaves much to be desired as well.If the ending had had a twist or at least tied it all together then this could have earned a couple of points more, but as it is you should only watch it if - like me - you watch everything with bio-weapons and even then there are very many movies that should be higher on your list like: Outbreak (1995), Contagion (2011) or 28 Days Later (2002) to name just a few that are in a similar genre.
mrorange-20 I find it nearly humorous that when I decided to view this movie it had a 7.7 on IMDb. After seeing the movie I was left with the feeling that the 27 ratings,at the time,were all put there by cast members. The movie lacks ANY depth or originality. It's another low budget film that employees actors with no real acting skill. The plot has been done in other movies...but with moderate success. I understand the concept of limited budgets in relation to movie production,but it seems like a Doc-in-the-box office was used for this level 4 bio-hazard facility. I would as soon people be honest and not dash to dupe people and make a few bucks since the backlash will cost more sales down the road as no one lies a set up and the review was clearly orchestrated and not an actual representation. I would advise against renting this movie at any time in our existence on this planet as the sheer level of acting it brings to the industry is liable to make people scream out in rage and never see another movie again :)