Bikini Bloodbath
Bikini Bloodbath
| 16 September 2006 (USA)
Bikini Bloodbath Trailers

On their last day of high school seven gorgeous girls have slumber party to celebrate their going away to college. Across town, a maniacal chef goes on a killing spree. Can their gym coach come to the rescue of the bikini clad group? No, but when Chef Death shows up at the party, hilarity ensues and the blood bath begins.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
ichocolat This is an awful film! I swear to God, watching the entire film was a whole lot worse than getting rammed by a raging bull! This film relies on one thing; that sex sells. It is as simple as that. Throw in cute ladies, create a shallow storyline, and then sell it for some quick buck. Easy money nowadays are rampant, even at the expense of making everyone who watched it looked like fools.Some commentators said that this is only for Debbie hardcore fans. To think of it, I don't think even her fans would have approve her acting in this film. And I am pretty sure that many people stopped being Debbie friends, too.The premise of the film is about, hm, hold on, there wasn't any. If I remember correctly, there were pretty ladies, and there was one male psycho that goes around killing people in his sight. Naa, now I've to tick the 'Contains spoiler' for fear that it'll spoil others who haven't watch this film.I can assure that, even if you so choose to skip watching this film, you would not miss anything. I mean our time is so little, and we have got lots of things to do. So until one has got nothing to do, only then one may decide to watch this. And even that, it is wiser to get a hobby instead.
capkronos Like it or not, there's no doubt that the 1982 slasher movie THE SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE went on to influence many films over the years. It was followed by at least two official sequels, a sort-of third sequel called CHEELEADER MASSACRE (2003), a truly terrible direct-to-video, shot-on-video rip-off called THE LAST SLUMBER PARTY (1987) and probably also led to the somewhat similar SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE series, as well as the spin-offs that series created, such as 1990's HARD TO DIE. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's easy to see why this concept caught on. When you get together a group of high school/college aged girls, put them in a house and throw in a killer, audiences are almost guaranteed plenty of the two most important ingredients in exploitation-horror; boobs and blood. The movies themselves can be produced rather cheaply and because of their popularity on DVD and late night cable, they probably always turn a profit. And that leads us to the newest installment in the half-naked-babes-in-a-house-with-a-killer subgenre, BIKINI BLOODBATH; a goofy parody of the 'slumber/sorority' films, complete with direct references to those earlier films. Was it needed? Not really. Many of the earlier films were already pretty self-aware of what they were, took a lighthearted approach and were already too busy poking fun at themselves to really require someone else to step in later and do it again. That's not to say this one is completely without merit. It's pretty amusing at times.Cheaply shot on video in Connecticut, this one begins with girls in gym class followed by girls in the shower. Adding a welcome bit of early relief is an appearance from the always-welcome Debbie Rochon, who milks every last laugh out of her lip-licking lesbian gym coach character. The ladies discuss their upcoming sleepover party and give the cold shoulder to a nerdy girl named "Smelly Suzy." One of the girls is attacked in a graveyard while walking home, a bum is killed and someone breaks into Rochon's home and offs her too. Six of the girls make it to the party. They talk. The blow up balloons. They make strawberry daiquiris. They dance. They play twister. They hop in the hot tub and drink and talk some more. Two guys show up. And then the psycho (a bald, goateed guy dressed in a chef's outfit) pops in to kill them all off. Some of the gags/lines work and some don't. The film unfortunately cuts away from the main action to a gathering of touchy-feely football jocks who keep grabbing each other's butts and dancing in long montages (insert FLASHDANCE and FOOTLOOSE in jokes). There's a lot up in the air sexuality in this film. Not only Rochon's character, but most of the guys seem to be into other guys, the male coach (played by PSYCHOS IN LOVE star Carmine Capobianco) is into guys, two girls make out in the hot tub, etc. That aspect was kind of interesting, at least.There's not much gore here and what there is is of the ketchup bottle variety. So be warned, the horror scenes themselves are pretty skimpy. Just about every girl has a topless scene and spends the majority of the movie in a bikini so that aspect is fulfilled for the target audience. The picture quality and sound are acceptable for the budget. Unfortunately, like many films in this budget range, this suffers a LOT from time padding. It seems a lot of independent horror directors these days rely far too heavily on dull, needless filler to bump their film to just an hour in length. I've seen movies with thirty second shots of trees and movies with three minutes shots of someone walking in a field. This one has multiple needless scenes like this. They are usually quickly edited, though, and some of them are at least set to different rock songs. Some of those songs aren't even bad. One very important thing this movie does have is enthusiasm. The cast look like they're having a pretty good time, so if you can turn your brain off for an hour or so, you might too.
stephengraley Before i start, i was not expecting much from the title but, I have Finally found a movie worse than any Ben Afleck film and thats a promise. I honestly never thought i would see this day.What we have here is a standard slasher flick, you get all the usual nude shower scenes, Lesbian Butch Gym teacher and parents away so lets have a party at the house scenario. Now Imagine and its damn hard to but just for a minute imagine a world where the music goes from one scene of Metalica to the next with Busted !!!!. The Killer i am sure is the lead singer from ZZ Top wearing a Chefs outfit........WHY.Anyway the girls organise a party, its an all night Chick party so what kind would you have in this sort of cheap effort, pyjama party or lingerie party or fancy dress party. Ohhhhh Noooo they have balloons and streamers, i thought i had gone back 30 years to my 4th Birthday. I was waiting for the Jelly and Ice Cream to arrive next.I don't want to even get started on the sports Jocks. The usual would be adolescent boys throwing an American football to each other, you would think then, hey these guys are the football team. No these boys are all chubby wasters wearing t-shirts with the words "Football Player", i also counted 57 times they high fived each other.Just as all hope seemed to fade away a noise started to grown from the background, it was getting clearer and clearer, yes the jocks were dancing to Footloose. I was expecting Kevin Bacon to make an appearance but all we got were a bunch of overweight Muppet's dancing to what looked like Chunk doing the truffle Shuffle from the Goonies.In conclusion i shall leave you to decide but take this one last line to give you inspiration when deciding whether to watch this abysmal effort. A Girl is killed on the toilet in the bathroom, the guy runs out and shouts "shes dead, shes dead" and another girl responds are you sure she is not in there for number 2.I shall say no more.
Jan Keisy Like most people, the name of Debbie Rochon is what brought me to this movie. Coupled with a catchy title, I took a chance. Well, let me just say that this movie gives new meaning to the term "Don't judge a book by its cover." in more ways than one. Debbie of course gives a fine performance as the lesbian gym teacher, but they obviously spent their whole budget on having her in the film for all about 3 minutes. They certainly didn't spend it on special effects or other actors, or even locations. All other performances where pretty bland, except for some of the football team scenes, which were pretty funny. The only female role on the "bikini" side that was worth watching was Jenny, played by Leah Ford. The other performances from the girls went from an average performance from Anna-Karin as Sharon to an almost embarrassing one from Sheri Lynn as the Nerdy Girl. I was begging for the girls to get killed. Hopefully cheering for the killer was what the film makers had planned all along, because that is what you'll end up doing.