Beyond Therapy
Beyond Therapy
R | 27 February 1987 (USA)
Beyond Therapy Trailers

Manhattanites Bruce and Prudence are each looking for a meaningful romantic relationship and have been encouraged by their psychiatrists to find someone through the personal ads. Their first meeting is disastrous, but they begin to hit it off during their second date. However, Bruce's bisexual, live-in lover does not want to share Bruce and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep him to himself.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
evanston_dad I've been having my own little Altman revival over the past months, watching all of his available movies in chronological order, both his masterpieces and his duds. I'm up to 1987, and I think I may have finally found it -- that elusive thing known as Robert Altman's absolutely worst film.If you know about Altman, you know that all of his movies were an experiment to a greater or lesser extent and that some of them misfired dismally. In re-watching them with a fresh eye, I've found that none (not even some really bad ones, like "A Wedding", "Quintet", or "Popeye") misfired quite as egregiously as "Beyond Therapy". A farcical romp lampooning modern-day (for the time) romance, sexual preferences, neurotics and the analysts who are crazier than they are, "Beyond Therapy" has nothing to recommend it. The two leads, Jeff Goldblum and Julie Hagerty, make their characters instantly unlikable and never recover. Tom Conti and Glenda Jackson are probably the best members of the cast, as two whacked out therapists, but the parts they're given to play feel random and arbitrary. Christopher Guest basically plays the petulant gay man he would reprise so classically ten years later in "Waiting for Guffman".I don't know how Christopher Durang's stage play would read in a different context. It seems paper thin judging by this version, but knowing Altman, I have a feeling he dealt with the source material liberally, and who knows how much of Durang's original play remains. This film certainly has Altman's footprints all over it, and in this case that's not a good thing.Grade: F
finitodistampare I like Altman 's movies "the player""Short cuts " "Gosford park" , etc. But I watched this movie in his premiere in Spain ages ago and it was a comedy( so the promotion said) , so the movie poster said and a comedy for intelligent people bla bla bla This movie is not funny at all , the dialog have no spark , you don't care about the characters at all and I remember I did not laugh in all the movie . If you ever go to a comedy and did not laugh at all you will understand what I'm talking about. It's like torture . Altman is an amazing director, he is capable of making great movies like "The Player " or incredible flops like this one .
Roedy Green I gave Altman's Prairie Home Companion my first 10, and I have watched MASH and Gosford Park many times, but this film is an embarrassment. The dialog is boring. It feels like ad lib filler. There are a few clever scenes, but for the most part you keep waiting for something to happen that never does.It gets its cheap laughs from stereotype gay characters.The colour reminded me of home movies of the 1950s. The sound was muddy.I turned off the video several times watching it out of boredom, and returned later, to give it another chance. After all, this IS Altman, Glenda Jackson and Jeff Goldblum.
victorsargeant Altman usually is brilliant, but after many viewings of "Beyond Therapy" it does not come together, as a comedy. And I wanted it to be great.As usual, Altman, records the sound, in a real life conversational style, you have to strain to hear the lines. A second viewing will get you into the comedy, but you will have to work for it.Odd casting left me cold, but they did well, especially Glenda Jackson, and I loved her best.One of Ms. Jackson's last film appearances, before becoming a PM in England.Clever shots, in the window from the outside, was realistic, as you felt you were actually overhearing therapy sessions. Bein a family therapist myself, I found the story especially, amusing.They must have had a lot of fun, making this film.I wish I could have joined in the party, but felt remotely distant from the action, as an uninvited guest. Stage play originally, which had a short run in LA.Eat before you see this film, as the film's story will leave you hungry for dinner.