Beyond the Wall of Sleep
Beyond the Wall of Sleep
R | 06 June 2006 (USA)
Beyond the Wall of Sleep Trailers

Joe Slaader is a mysterious mountain man being held in the Ulster County Asylum after the brutal murder of his family. Edward Eischel, a young intern, sees something more than just an inbred monster in this new inmate, however. Instead, he sees him as the harbinger of some greater and much darker force. With bodies piling up, his job in jeopardy, and his sanity hanging in the balance he gives in to his obsession with tapping into Joe's hidden power, risking all that he has along the way.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Ashley Ketchum I first watched this movie a few years ago, when the cover art on the film caught my eye. I found it to be confusing the first time through, but nonetheless a really good film. It kept me on my toes and I constantly asked myself, "whats next?" The climax of the story was very surprising, and it's something I did not expect. I ended up watching the film a few times during my rental time, every time seeing something I missed the time before. The girl with her brain exposed sent chills down my spine, and the black and white filming really brought on a sense of old antique horror. Having said that, the acting is so-so, and some parts seemed very comedic when they should not have been, but overall I found it to be a very interesting film, and recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good psychological horror film. I became obsessed with the film, and the name "amdouchous" will stick with me forever, as the name of my pet turtle! (RIP Amdouchous)
Paul Magne Haakonsen Alright, with this having been released upon the world and mankind, I am sure that H.P. Lovecraft is turning over in his grave. Now, I am a huge fan of Lovecraft's writing and his work, and truth be told then there are a bunch of good movie available that are based more or less on his work. But of course, not everything can be good. And this 2006 version of "Beyond the Wall of Sleep" is definitely far from good.First of all, the movie is plagued by an endless stream of flashing imagines in a very distorted and disorganized manner. Sure the idea must have seemed nice, to introduce a sense of madness with these images, but it just didn't work. It these flashing images did anything, it would have been annoying you senseless and making you irritable. It got to the point where I got up and turned off the movie.And the acting in the movie didn't exactly help bring any justice to this visual rape of Lovecraft's epic classic tale. The acting in the movie was like watching a staged scene of amateur theater. It was forced, unemotional, over the top, and just a pain to behold. Everybody, save a couple of people, in the movie was really, really bad in their acting. And that made the movie even more unbearable to look at (as if the constant annoying flashing images wasn't enough).The flickering and switching between black and white to color did nothing to help the movie along either. Either stick with black and white or go in full color. It just ended up making the movie come off as a crappier production.I was genuinely disappointed when I made it just over halfway through the movie. This is to the point where I simply gave up on the movie, because the acting was bad, the production was bad, the Lovecraft-feeling was non-existing in the movie. It just failed on all levels.For fans of Lovecraft, then stay well clear of the 2006 version of "Beyond the Wall of Sleep", because it is like watching paint drying on a wall; uneventful and dull.
eye_on_the_wall I came to this film as a great admirer of Lovecraft's writing and knowing full well how perilous it is to adapt his work to film. With this in mind, I didn't have high expectations so I can't claim to be disappointed. Still it was laborious at times to watch, and probably not worth the time for most viewers.It has been noted in the other comments that this film is in fact a faithful, probably the most faithful, film adaptation of a Lovecraft story out there. While this is true, this amounts to being more of a weakness than a strength. I've heard somewhere the idea that a masterpiece is a work of art that is perfectly suited to it's medium. The short story fits this description; the film injects too many speculated details seemingly to bulk up the script to approach feature length. It's as though they used the rough notes for the story as the shooting script.What makes Lovecraft so great is his ability to use his medium to manipulate the imagination of the reader. The film is as far away from the story here as it is close to the story in terms of literal detail. The filmmakers' use of montage is cluttered and lacks the power and poetry of Lovecraft's prose. Their attempt to write Lovecraftian dialog gets lazy and anachronistic and sounds like clumsy fan-fiction. There is an attempt to attach a sense of kinky eroticism that doesn't sit well with the story and comes of as an ill-fitting attempt at sex appeal.Utimately this film is bound to severely disappoint a general audience. It's worth watching only as a curiosity for obsessive Lovecraft readers or die-hard horror fanatics.
lore-21 I found this on the $1 rack at the video store and said "ooh, Lovecraft." and thusly rented what I thought would be a fun movie to scare the crap out of myself with at 2am on a Friday Night.Well, it scared me all right, but not with the unspeakable horrors usually expected of something with the name H.P. Lovecraft on it, but with some pretty horrific acting, poor sound equalization and camera angles even my mom could pull off. I expected can't watch a movie like that and not expect at least 40-50% cheese but sheesh, there's a limit! It might have been OK had it not been for some pretty unimaginative camera work (a low budget is no excuse for doing nothing more than pointing and shooting, unless the budget didn't include bendable wrists or tripods) and the acting was so distracting that I lost track of what the heck was going on.A couple of handsome guys in the movie didn't quite make up for the "What the *beep* just happened?" feeling when the end credits finally rolled around, leaving me with the thought that I could have bought some M&Ms with that $1 instead.