Beyond the Stars
Beyond the Stars
| 31 March 1989 (USA)
Beyond the Stars Trailers

Teenager Eric, the son of a computer scientist who worked for the Apollo mission which sent the first human to the moon, is determined to become an astronaut himself one day, and befriends Paul Andrews, the first man on the moon. Paul is avoided by other astronauts nowadays, because he was very rude and rebuffing when he returned from space. Only slowly Eric learns, that he discovered something during his excursion on the moon, that he keeps as a secret.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
hoffmanswaldau Whereas the background story about an ageing astronaut who has found something or someone on the Moon proved sufficiently effective despite not being resolved satisfyingly, the plot around teenage love stories and trite father-son relationships did the film no real favour. On the other hand did the film avoid entering into the domain of hard sci-fi, making it accessible and even enjoyable for a wider audience. Unfortunately, the photography, score and direction were mediocre at best. The acting wasn't really bad but the performances aren't memorable, either. The film is hard to recommend because there's too little science fiction for fans of this genre and unnecessarily much for audiences interested in personal relationships. As a cinematic product, the film is quite negligible.
merklekranz Failed mish-mash of adolescent drama, preachy ecologic messages, and very weak sci-fi. The astronaut scenes on the moon look like they were filmed for a "Saturday Night Live" episode. In other words, all credibility flies out the window. Christian Slater as the aspiring astronaut, idolizes astronaut Martin Sheen who returned from the moon with a secret. The script is simplistic, preachy, and contrived. The relationship problems are simplistic, preachy, and boring. Throw in a jab at NASA for layoffs, a save the whales message, a moon crater no deeper than a backyard swimming pool, and finally the no surprise ending, and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this is a dud. - MERK
fedor8 Corny to the power of ten. Superficial and very commercial, forgettable fluff. The big, foreseeable "twist" at the end should actually be the core of the story. However, there is more in here about Slater's boring relationships with his girlfriends and his family than about that moon visit. Sheen discovered something alien on the Moon - but all they can talk about is Slater's boring, soap-operatic personal problems. The dialog is strictly sub-par TV drama material, and the continual, awfully cheap schmaltzy music doesn't help matters. Everyone is constantly apologizing for what they said the day before - real pathetic.There is also a line of PC "open-mindedness" pervading the film, which culminates in a truly pathetic scene with Abrahams giving a silly, ridiculously-timed emotional speech about saving the whales. Those mini-rockets that Slater sent into the sky (and into his school) should have fallen on this director's head. Plus, the moon scenes look awfully phony. If you're interested in reading my "biographies" of Slater, Martin Sheen and other Hollywood intellectuals, contact me by e-mail.
Olle L This is quite a nice movie about a boy getting to know an old austronaut(Matin Sheen) and getting closer to his father. Matin Sheen plays very good and so does Christian Slater. It never gets boring it's a movie you wanna watch on an saturday afternoon, The end is a bit stange however,,,and was kind of a disappointment. But see it!