Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
| 09 December 2014 (USA)
Best Day Ever Trailers

David's turning 50 and having a Mid-life Crisis! He isn't sure his "perfect husband" loves him, and if he's chosen the right career. Aging is something he never thought about, but now he is faced with making the rest of his life count and hopes his close friends can help. Realizing that he may only have about 35 years left, he must figure out his life to ensure happiness and fulfillment. Fate changes everything when he meets a 15-year younger man who shows him that age does not matter, and that maybe his future happiness is right in front of him.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
zif ofoz If you actually bother to watch this movie and you see the flat screen TV fireplace (which for some unknown reason is set right in front on a large window) then you have seen the best part of this production. Here's what happens - Frankenface (David) is obsessing over his upcoming 50th birthday because he feels he hasn't obtained his ideal level of living. Which happens to be something like a cute little house with a white picket fence, a dog, and a husband to greet him at home everyday after work. What gay man wants that nonsense?? So you can see which direction this flick is going.His boyfriend (Greg) is an albino gym rat with a bad case of alopecia! What brought Frankenface and albino gym rat together in the first place is never explained. But Frankenface is so whiney and needy and self absorbed that gym rat just wants to get away from Frankenface. Gym rat tells Frankenface to grow-up and get a life. Enter Mr Lonely Hearts (Shane) from Indiana, of all places. Well Mr Lonely Hearts and Frankenface just hit it off right from the start! Gym rat sees this as his out from whiney boring Frankenface and splits. Then Mr Lonely Hearts suggest to Frankenface they go back to Indiana to live a lovers life. The end....That's it people! Frankenface moans and groans and whines about turning 50 and his oh so empty life throughout this entire movie. Gym rat repeatedly says to Frankenface 'get a life', and Mr Lonely Hearts just smiles and looks happy that he finally scored a dick he has convinced to go back with him to Indiana.Who in hell wants to move to Indiana?
Suradit I think we're supposed to feel sympathy for the main character, David, who is turning 50, is questioning his long-term partnership and who is having issues with his career. His partner, Greg, it is implied, is cold and manipulative and not all that loving. In fact, the way it came across was that David was a self-absorbed, whiny drama queen whose partner was a very level-headed, sympathetic & loving person who withstood David's self-centered tantrums with amazing grace … and who, it might be added, had to be better off in every way to be free of David. That they apparently had had a long relationship and that it was only just beginning to unravel was really hard to believe. Greg and David then break up. Greg leaves. Lucky Greg.Then, after further interminable kvetching and more egocentric, whiny soul- searching, David is paired up with his friend's cousin. Shane is a shy thirty-something young man from Indiana who is strangely (and I do mean "strangely") attracted to David. One has to believe that Shane must have led a pretty lonely, sheltered life up to this point and/or he's a masochist with daddy issues. They decide to head off into the sunset, or back to Shane's home in Indiana in this case, having finally found true love … by which time the viewer's credulity has been stretched to the breaking point.The subject of unique issues that gay men face while coping with a mid-life crisis could certainly be fertile ground for comedy or drama, but this production failed to deliver. It was really impossible to feel any sympathy for David or to see any believable connection between him and Shane.
jerruthm5726 This movie is filled with so many different kinds of, confusion, desires, dreams, bitterness, and hope. Thanks to the wonderful cast, great writing and directing this movie is so well produced that it could appeal to all people regardless of sexual orientation, class, etc. It opened my eyes that we all deserve the love we want. Mel England's performance rings so felt his pain in finding his way through life with his career at a standstill and his love life questionable. It was an adventure that went so many different directions as he struggled to find happiness. Ace Lundon's epilogue was so touching. Thank you for making such a wonderful and memorable movie.
Jake W Wow! I did not expect a lot out of this movie since most films in this genre are full of gratuitous sex and juvenile jokes. This is totally different and thus most refreshing. The story is simple but with superb acting and a very well written script, it delivers a sincerity and wit absent from most of Hollywood more expensive fare. The characters and their predicaments are extremely relate-able whether you're gay or straight. Mel England in the lead delivers with an exceptionally strong yet nuanced performance making it easy to watch and relate to his character. The supporting cast is also way above par. This could be Jeff London's best movie yet. Be ready to be moved and may be even cry a little. I usually find only Indie films can move me to tears these days. This one certainly delivers. Watch it with friends or someone you're romantic with. It will surely provoke thoughtful discussions afterward. Love it!