R | 01 October 2016 (USA)
Besetment Trailers

After struggling to find employment, Amanda takes a hotel position in a small town where she ends up fighting for her life.

PodBill Just what I expected
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
johannes2000-1 I could say so much about this movie, but it would be a waste of energy. The premise is not that bad, but in every other aspect it fails: the script, the editing, the dialogues, the settings: it's all sad and uninspiring. The only good acting is by the mother (Marlyn Mason), but the heroine of the story and the few other characters really acted below par. Probably the makers thought that a touch of realism would make things better, but the scene where the mother secures the semen of her retarded son is quite appalling and I watched with disbelief how she walked around with the result and injected it in Amanda. The horror was not so much in the goings-on themselves (I usually can take tons of horror and gore!) as well in the fact that they really thought it necessary to show all this distasteful stuff. The courtroom-scene at the end was a bit surprising and could have made for a decent closure, but alas, they wanted to spring on us the obligatory final twist i.e. the start of a whole new chain of horror. What can I say: it was.... well, preposterous is the best word.I rank it not 1 but 2 out of 10, just for Marlyn Mason.
a_baron Most horror films dehumanise men, regardless of the sex of the victims; this one has a female villain, and it doesn't work any better. Amanda is out of work and desperately seeking to get away from her alcoholic mother. Out of the blue she lands a job that is not really commuting distance, so it is agreed she will stay over during the week. It entails working at a small hotel in the middle of nowhere, one that doesn't appear to have any guests, and is run by a matronly old woman, and her son who although not an imbecile is totally under his mother's thumb.Three weeks or so into her tenure, Amanda receives some startling news: she is pregnant. This is startling indeed because she has not had sex, like ever. Difficult to believe in this day and age outside of an Amish, Moslem or Orthodox Jewish sect. So how did she get pregnant? The flashback is, well, grotesque, and that's without the incest. The woman who runs the hotel is clearly as mad as a box of frogs if she thinks she can get away with what she plans.There would have been a relatively happy ending, but they had to go and spoilt it. Don't watch this one if you are easily disturbed; stick to films that won't give you nightmares, like those about zombies and vampires.
patriarch-k I did not really look this movie up on IMDb before I saw it and I usually avoid horror movies with less than 5 points. I just forgot it this time and started watching the movie. I enjoyed the movie and didn't think it was bad at all. It was actually kind of good, but it is a movie that will be forgotten after a week, but it was not bad. The only thing I was reacting on was the ending which WAS bad. That completely destroyed the movie and that's why I had to look it up on IMDb afterwards. Still worth a try though if you have nothing to do and just want to consume a random horror movie and not get disappointed.
Claudio Carvalho The unemployed Amanda Millard (Abby Wathen) is desperate to find a job since she is forced to live with her alcoholic estranged mother. Out of the blue, she is invited to a job interview at the Oregon Hotel in Mitchell in the countryside of Oregon 80 miles far from home. When she arrives, she is welcomed by the nice Mildred Colvin (Marlyn Mason) that offers a maid position to Amanda and her son Billy Colvin (Michael Meyer) fix her car. Amanda returns home to say goodbye to her mother and to her friend Brittany (Sonya Davis) and bring her belongings to Mitchell. Soon Amanda befriends the cook Brad (Max Gutfreund) from a nearby eatery and spends her day off with him. When she returns to the hotel, she faints and learns that she is pregnant. But how, if she has not had any sexual encounter with any man?"Besetment" is a horror thriller with a promising storyline but a weak screenplay and poor production with extreme low-budget. The flawed plot could have explored the situations better and developed the characters better. Brad, for example, is murdered but the viewer does not know anything about him and no resident seems to miss him. Mildred uses a gunshot in the middle of the night and nobody hears the shot. Amanda is abused in the hotel and sees her friend murdered in her room, but she keeps the baby and moves to live in the place in the end. The director and writer Brad Douglas is quick to make amends to the polemic situations using fade out, such as the incestuous relationship of Billy and Mildred, or she sewing Amanda's mouth. There is one very funny line (Amanda saying to Mildred "I'm either giving birth to the new messiah or that doctor's full of s hit!") and one attempt with the Sheriff that can not recall the correct codes. My vote is two.Title (Brazil): Not Available