Beach Blanket Bingo
Beach Blanket Bingo
NR | 14 April 1965 (USA)
Beach Blanket Bingo Trailers

In the fourth of the highly successful Frankie and Annette beach party movies, a motorcycle gang led by Eric Von Zipper kidnaps singing star Sugar Kane managed by Bullets, who hires sky-diving surfers Steve and Bonnie from Big Drop for a publicity stunt. With the usual gang of kids and a mermaid named Lorelei.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Harriet Deltubbo In the fourth of the highly successful Frankie and Annette beach party movies, a motorcycle gang led by Eric Von Zipper kidnaps singing star Sugar Kane managed by Bullets, who hires sky-diving surfers Steve and Bonnie from Big Drop for a publicity stunt. With the usual gang of kids and a mermaid named Lorelei. The people who put this one together really knew what they were doing. Even if you are not a beach movie fan, you will be entertained by all this legendary film has to offer. I would suggest renting it, or perhaps buying it if the price is right. My final rating for this movie is 7 out of 10, and it really deserves it!
Chris Strutt Beach Blanket Bingo is a great movie by all accounts.The beginning of the movie starts straight away.The plot kicks in right from the start, making the movie exciting from the off.As the film starts to get towards the middle part, the plot really begins to thicken.Between the start and middle of the film is arguably the best bit.As the title suggest it's definitely Beach Blanket Bingo rather than and the beach scenes are really funny by all accounts!Getting past the middle of the film, the excitement really begins to build.The suspense continues until the final few scenes, which are gripping to say the least.As the final few scenes take place you know that you have watched a movie and a half.The main male lead actor, and supporting actors, are very good unquestionably.The lead female actress is superb, and deserves an award.Definitely recommend getting on the gravy train and watching Beach Blanket Bingo!
dwpollar 1st watched 7/30/2006 - 3 out of 10(Dir-William Asher): Silly harmless fluff of a movie with sweethearts Frankie(Frankie Avalon) & Didi(Annette Funicello) and their goofy adventures on the beach with their pals & gals. After the silly title song, the movie starts out being about a new singer promoting an album to the beach-nuts with a faked freefall from an airplane. The do-anything promoter is played by Paul Lynde with his usual sleezeball-style and the singer is a young Linda Evans. Everyone including the before-mentioned couple now wants to skydive and they hook-up with Don Rickles as the head of the skydiving company. Rickles is even able to throw in a mini-standup routine where he puts down everyone in the audience, as is his usual shtick. In a sidestory, the character Bonehead encounters a mermaid which brings a little variety and fun to the storyline. I hate to say it, but that's about it for this movie in a nutshell. A few songs are thrown-in(some better than others), plenty of booty-shaking, and a silent episode with Buster Keaton(playing a kind of Benny Hill-like character) adds to the light-hearted fare. If this is all that you're looking for in a movie, then this one is the perfect movie for you!! Otherwise, stay away.
Lhartman6 The best part of about this movie is trying to spot the extras- surf legend cum American Icon Miki Dora does the surf stunts and stunt doubles for Frankie Avalon. Odd because these movies put an end to his dominance of the Malibu surf as hordes of surfer wannabes flooded to the beach, inspired, in large part, by these movies. Another extra is Beach Boy supreme, Brian Wilson. Another oddity because the movie plugs the contrived band, the Hondells, while Wilson, hot off the number one song in the world in I Get Around and charting high with Help Me Rhonda, mulls in the background in crowd scenes. The non-casted girl extras were, in fact, the real surfer girls who roamed the SoCal beach scene at the time- including the original and "real" Gidget- and were featured more prominently in the shots than the male extras because- they looked great in bikinis. Mike Nader- primal surfer and buddy of Dora's- incredibly wound up co-starring with Linda Evans, 20 years later, in Dynasty. So, despite the thinness of storyline(s), Beach Blanket Bingo is very entertaining- though maybe not as the director intended.