Be Somebody
Be Somebody
PG | 10 June 2016 (USA)
Be Somebody Trailers

Pop superstar Jordan Jaye has a big dream he just wants to live like a regular teenager. When he's chased down by some excited female fans, he finds a perfect hideout and a reluctant new friend from a small town, high-school art student, Emily Lowe. Despite being from different worlds, they soon discover they have way more in common than they ever imagined. Over the course of several days, the two embark on an unexpected journey of friendship, first love and self-discovery -- proving that maybe opposites really do attract.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
annacai-24879 Be Somebody is a 2015 film about a teenage pop-star's escape from his celebrity life and his developing relationship with a normal girl. I agree that the plot is quite cliché, but his film definitely brings a lot of meaning topics to the table. One significant difference between the two protagonists is their relationship with their parents. As the opening scene shows, Emily's parents are extremely indifferent; while Jordan's mother, also his manager, over-concerns. Even though the film extravagates Emily's parents' indifference, I must say that it is a worthy topic to be discussed. With the fast pace in current society and high pressure from nowadays workplace, modern people, not just parents, have grown a habit of indifference. Another intriguing topic that this movie has brought up is the celebrity pressure. Celebrity pressure has been a constant them in celebrity with non-famous people Rom com. This film is interesting because it is a teen movie about teenage celebrities. The other teenage movies such as Another Cinderella Story, Hannah Montana and Camp Rock tend to focus more on the shiny, fun side of the celebrity life. This movie discusses celebrity's identity. One character says that "He is celebrity, so he is not real." There has been a constant discussion of celebrity's identity. Are they just fake images that are built to be worshiped? This movie gives a sneak peak of celebrity's real self when they are no longer on the media altar. This movie also again confirms that even as successful as Jordan, there is something he wants from normal people's life. The celebrity and non-famous Rom com genre works as a modern, more realistic fantasy. I have always look at films as a window for audience to fantasize and let go of reality. This film does it very well and at the same time discuss realistic problems in modern family and in celebrities' image. There are parallel between this film and a 1999 film Notting Hill (Of course, this film is far not as good). Even though both film discuss the pressure and the downside of being celebrity, they also show the power a celebrity has. I think Be Somebody is a film worth notice.
becki_rainbow Easy, fairly predictable watch, passes the time, no better or worse than any of the other teenage love type movies out there. I didnt HATE it but I diddnt love it. It was alright.
bmthnicolelawson This movie was better than what I expected! They should definitely make a second part! I want to know what happens when he comes off tour and if they get into a relationship or not! Matt did an excellent job at acting and I really think he should start doing it. Very pleased with this movie. 10/10. If they make a second movie I would love to see more about Jordans life and more from his point of view. The movie is basically a fan girls fan fiction come to life and yes I did fan girl a little not going to lie , but I would honestly love to see a second part to this movie. If you haven't watched it , go watch it , you won't be let down! And if you're from the UK and want to watch it , they have put it on Netflix.
nick-27819 Honestly I don't know why this was even made in the first place the two leads have no chemistry whatsoever, the acting was disgraceful, Emily (Sarah Jeffery) didn't seem to bad but she would probably be better in theater, now on to Jordan (Matthew Espinosa) a huge reason this film was probably even made his 'acting' was by far the worst thing in the film it somehow managed to be worse than the dreadful plot I don't know how he stuffed up such a simple character to play but he did he brought down his co-stars performance and everything felt so forced it was honestly hard to watch.The story line was about as cliché and mediocre as they get, everything was predictable the romance was underwhelming as they did nothing not even a kiss (but honestly the actors would probably have messed that up to) other than that there wasn't really anything that exciting the whole film just seemed like it was a message which overall wasn't to bad it's the delivery of that message which was terrible.Overall the message was fine I'm more surprised how bad the actors were in such a simple role especially Matthew who wants to be 'one of the greats' which is quite laughable since he is a horrendous actor(which I shouldn't even call him an actor as he's not worthy of the title) the only reason this film is a thing was because of his internet popularity he should stick to the internet and please don't do anymore movies cause if he even gets a glimpse of the real Hollywood they will laugh at his 'acting'