| 01 January 2012 (USA)
Battleground Trailers

The war in Vietnam is announced to finish. American troops are withdrawn and the relief of peace echoes through the air. However, as the calm after the storm spreads a sigh of relief, there is something unsettling amidst the forests of North Michigan. A disturbed war veteran remains, but he lives for one reason only - to kill. What would happen if six ruthless men stumbled across him in the eerie deserted forest, after their mass bank-robbery leaves them running from the law with three million dollars? Would they be better off facing the cells of prison or can they escape from the murderer out to get them…?

Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Themoviejunkiex This movie was totally awesome. What is more awesome is that Hugh Lambe is a college professor in real life. This guy is my professor and he never told us he was an actor, he teaches business, he has a few degrees. When I looked him up and saw this it blew my mind! I watched the movie and needless to say it was blew my mind seeing my teacher as "the hunter" in this movie. The movie is like a twist on an evil Rambo that lives in the woods. The movie has great special effects and great directing. Its full of twists and turns, jam packed with action and gore. I can't wait to see the sequel when it comes out with Hugh Lambe starring in it. We need more movies with Hugh Lambe in it.
rrcharpe As a Nam vet who served proudly with the Big Red One in South Vietnam from December of 1966 to early February of 1969 I have always resented the depiction of Vietnam vets as crazed, undisciplined scum. This movie is a rancid repeat of that genre and is absolutely not worth watching. In addition to the unbelievable low budget, actors no one has ever heard of and the depiction of the Nam vet as a deviant who, like Hannibal Lector removes the skin and eyeballs of his victims I have only one question. Why didn't the writers of this trash present a scenario where an aging Nam vet would be the good guy and save the girl and use his U.S. Army skills that he used in the jungles of Nam to defeat the enemy, which in this case were a bunch of no good bank robbers. It would have made the movie so much more enjoyable and believable. I recently looked up the actual crime rates for various veterans of WWI, WWII, the Korean War and Nam,and guess what? The lowest number of felonies committed by veterans from all those wars were the Vietnam vets, who routinely returned home, got jobs or went to college and then got a job, and generally believed in the American dream. Don't watch this absolute piece of gory, unbelievable junk. The lead character, a supposed Nam combat veteran, would never have made it in any of the units I was around as discipline and the ability to be loyal to our country was an absolute necessity. Don't believe it when you hear people say that in Nam people committed endless atrocities. That is propaganda by people who weren't there. Remember this, My Lai, the biggest killing of civilians by American soldiers in Nam was ORDERED by a U.S. Army OFFICER, Captain William Calley, and we were not allowed to disobey orders. The average soldier was heroic and patriotic in Nam beyond belief. StocktonRob
judyweise I'm giving this a positive review because I think that for the most part the film serves itself with everything any low-budget action film has to offer. It has many elements of other well known action / thriller movies but this is not a bad thing - the film executes them with all the flare and gusto. Nobody cares if it's former title 'Skeleton Lake' didn't have lakes or Skeletons, it is called Battleground. Six ruthless criminals lay low in the forest after a failed bank heist(HEAT)and it turns into a surivalist horror (PREDATOR)I thought that the acting was strong from the main cast. Bryan Larkin is superb as Mitch and Tex who is essentially the strong quiet bad ass. Mitch is a great lead and perfectly matched for the Hunter. The action sequences like when they lose the loot is very well choreographed. The ending did disappoint but all in all it was a great watch and I would highly recommend it to any action horror fans. Not the best but definitely worth a watch.
myloveincruz I believe this is the first positive review I've been motivated to write. I am doing so because there are no other reviews and this low budget flick deserves attention. I'd say it's a clever predator vs. the well-armed and ruthless protagonists, rather than the serial killer vs. the kids camping in the woods kind of movie and it does that well, so if you like that kind of thing, you'll dig it. I'm personally more into brain candy but this was an enjoyable ride. I'm not a big fan of this kind of premise but this has good writing so it's different with writing, directing, acting, camera work and not the usual number and quality of suspension of disbelief moments that have me bitching at the screen. The beginning drew me in and since the story kept me guessing while I tried to figure out the characters. I surprised myself when I realized I was actually into it. I see Neil MacKay directed and wrote with Sean McAulay and IMDb has this as Neil's first film, so bravo! I expect this is going to get attention and you'll get money to spend on your next project and hopefully my high expectations for you will prove justified. Not greatly challenging rolls for the actors but they did good jobs and I saw a promising spark in a few of them. I have criticisms about realism but they are spoilers and gee, this isn't a biography or a documentary, ha. Also, it had a bit of humor to it, which is always a welcome relief for me, after relentless brutality. Gosh, I went on too long. Loved the cigar lighting scene, you'll know which one I mean, had me grinning. Gosh, that was a lot of praise, hmm, now I feel I deserve a share of that, what was it? 3.2 Million, from the bank heist. Oh well, I got on a roll so I'll count it as a good deed.