Battle Queen 2020
Battle Queen 2020
| 22 May 2001 (USA)
Battle Queen 2020 Trailers

In the frozen eternal winter of a post-asteroid impact, mankind's last remnants cling to a fragile existence. One woman must rise to the challenge, to free her people from the ever widening chasm separating the Haves from the Have-nots. She is...Battle Queen 2020.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
dvgulliver All life outside the compound is supposed to be long gone after the asteroid hit. And yet, the compound is surrounded by old growth trees. Hmmm. I'm thinking... the timber industry should be thriving! Fortunately, there are lots of scenes of women taking long, soapy showers, for no reason whatsoever. So the compound really ain't so bad, I guess...So, um, all people live in this compound. There are ruling classes of immortal men who kill other people and use their body parts for the immortality machine. Or something. I'm really not sure. And then there are a bunch of naked chicks who exist to pleasure the ruling class. Or something. And then there are tunnels filled with poor starving dying people who want to rebel, but can't. Or something. It's hard to tell.Why don't all the people in the tunnels go live in the woods? Oh yeah, the immortal people cruise around on snow mobiles, making sure no one escapes. But with all life lost except for what's in the compound, and the trees, why bother? Why watch this movie at all? Why did I spend $3 to buy a copy? Oh yeah, it was cheaper than renting it. Only now I'm stuck with it.Avoid this movie the way you would avoid eating food served by a sweaty person covered in open sores. Even the nakedness and sex is lame, as the lead "actress" is so fake it's hard to stomach.Blech.
leopold622002 "Battle Queen 2020" is an excellent vehicle for amazon beauty Julie Strain. She is tough and yet tender (SPOILER: hey, check it out when she takes an orphan under her wing!). If you ignore the nudity, this movie has an excellent storyline. That's all I'll say for now.
Sam-285 In the movie, we have the elite, the underground and the opposition. The elite are brutal and violent. The underground is treated very poorly yet submissive. The opposition is out there but that is about all we know about them. It is not clear how it all fits together. I guess I was hoping the story would improve but instead the story was just too predictable, typical and violent to be entertaining.There are plenty of pretty women but except for Julie Strain we are only teased by the other women, as if Julie Strain was jealous of the younger women and did not want them to get more attention. For those that would prefer to not see bare breasts, there is enough of Julie Strain to be distracting.
warrior-21 I went in seeing this movie hoping to see some very hot scenes of Julie Strain and all the girls in this movie. My wish if you can say that was not fulfilled, and instead every time something started happening another scene would pop up. I think that there is a unrated version of this movie out there, but I only found an "R" rated version. My vote of a "9" was because of Julie Strain's scenes and some of the other girls. The other reason that I gave it such a high score is because it is almost perfect, with the rest that had either been cut altogether or is in the unrated version would make it a "10". The movie was a very good look at another aspect of Julie, so rent but be forewarned I think it is still lacking enough erotic feel.