Battle at Bloody Beach
Battle at Bloody Beach
NR | 20 June 1961 (USA)
Battle at Bloody Beach Trailers

This is only the second Audie Murphy movie set in WWII after his autobiographical "To Hell and Back." Here Murphy steps out of his usual kid-Western role to play a civilian working for the Navy helping supply guerilla insurgents in the Philippines. His sole motive is not politics nor bravery, but to find his bride from whom he was separated during the Japanese invasion two years before

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
gordonl56 BATTLE AT BLOODY BEACH 1961 This WW2 film has Audie Murphy in the starring role. The action takes place on an unnamed island in the Philippines. Murphy, who had been working in the Islands at the time of the Japanese Invasion, was lucky enough to have escaped. He however was unable to save his wife in all the confusion. He is now helping the US supply various Philippine resistance groups with arms and ammo. These are landed at night by submarine. Murphy uses these trips to spend time looking for his lost wife who he is sure is still alive.This time there is trouble right from the get go. When Murphy hits the beach to meet his underground contact, Gary Crosby, he is jumped by a pair of patrolling Japanese soldiers. There is a brisk bit of hand to hand before Murphy and Crosby dispose of the Japanese. They hide the corpses and hightail it into the hills to Crosby's jungle shack. That is where Crosby has his radio.At the shack Murphy meets several members of Crosby's band of guerrillas. One of this group, Dale Isimoto, leads Murphy to a meeting with William Mims. Mims is an American leading his own bunch of men. They want Murphy to supply them with arms so they can fight the Japanese. This does not happen as Murphy discovers that Mims and his men are simply bandits robbing the locals.Arriving on the scene now is a genuine guerrilla leader, Alejandro Rey. Rey's men and Mims bunch engage in a quick and bloody battle with Rey's men winning. With Rey, Murphy finds his wife, Dolores Michaels. While Murphy is happy as pie with the reunion, Michaels is not. Thinking Murphy had been killed in the invasion, Michaels and Rey have been doing a bit of horizontal Mambo. Michaels now loves Rey.Rey brings in all the Americans who have been hiding in the hills so they can be lifted by the submarine. Murphy agrees to this and will give Rey the rifles etc that he brought. Murphy is somewhat surprised when Michaels tells him she is staying with Rey.Anyways, before the civilians can be taken out to the sub a large force of Japanese interrupt the proceedings. The Americans hide out in a wrecked ship on the beach and manage to fight off the Japanese assault. The Japanese send for a couple of mortars and begin to plaster the ship killing off the Americans one by one. It is only the last minute arrival of Rey's men that rout the Nipponese and save the day. Michaels has now decided that she does still love Murphy and will leave with him.This is at best an average war film. It suffers from some not so good acting by the supporting cast as well as slipshod editing and direction. Murphy, Michaels and Crosby are however decent and do their best.The director, Herbert Colman had worked with Murphy on the western POSSE FROM HELL. Colman had been a second unit director on 5 Hitchcock films including VERTIGO, TO CATCH A THIEF and REAR WINDOW. The man would soon end up working on the TV series, GILLIGAN'S ISLAND.The story and screenplay, which should have been better, was by Hollywood veteran, Richard Maibaum. Maibaum wrote the story or screenplay for, THE GREAT GATSBY, I WANTED WINGS, O.S.S., THE RED BERET, HELL BELOW ZERO, RANSOM, GOLDFINGER, DR NO, FROM Russia WITH LOVE, THUNDERBALL and THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN.Look close and you can see Ivan Dixon in an early role. Dixon would become famous as one of men in the 1960's TV hit, HOGAN'S HEROES.
moonspinner55 I've often wondered how WWII action flicks played with audiences of the early 1960s--did movie-goers still feel patriotic about them or was there a sense that it was time to move on from stories pitting Americans against the ruthless Japanese? Here, married Audie Murphy sails the Pacific searching for his missing spouse, eventually finding her on an island in the Phillipines along with a band of Americans and Polynesians being threatened by the relentless Japanese army. In Audie's absence, his Mrs. has taken up the guerrilla fighter's cause--and with thin-but-swarthy soldier Alejandro Rey!--but when they're surrounded by bloodthirsty Japs, the group must put aside their differences long enough to survive. Typical war movie, though with the added pleasure of some campy action and not-bad black-and-white cinematography. Murphy was never much of an actor, but here his stolid manner is a relief from all the hysteria. The director shows absolutely no sympathy for the dead or the dying (on either side), but the central romantic situation is handled with surprising skill and the climactic battle, though hurt by choppy editing, is nevertheless involving. ** from ****
drystyx Audie Murphy made a lot of exciting movies, so how did he ever appear in this "thing"? By the standards of yesteryear it was as weak and pitiful as it is today. Murphy searches for his wife during World War 2 on a Japanese held island. There is a very mundane love triangle which no one cares about. The other characters are weeded out predictably and in the most contrived of scripts. It is by far the worst script Murphy has accepted that I know of. There is some action, but it is very hard to care. The film could have been taped in two hours, the way it looked. Historically, it has no value, either. Don't look for great acting. Murphy tries, but for what?
aimless-46 Although only 45 years since it was made, almost everyone associated with the "Battle AT (not of) Bloody Beach" (actors-writers-directors) has been dead for a while now. It is unlikely that this project was given a prominent spot in any of their obits.I'm one of the unlucky few who paid to see this in a theater during its original summer of 1961 release. This type of low budget black and white junk was typical Saturday matinée fodder-although I think "Battle At Bloody Beach" was weak even by those standards. As a ten year-old who loved to play army the title was a real draw. We were driven to the theater by my friend's uncle who had us laughing the whole trip with funny variations on the title. The trip to the theater was a lot more entertaining than the movie. There is a beach, Catalina Island impersonating a small island in the Philippines during WWII, but there is no blood-just some fake looking combat and "day for night" filming. The middle (65% of the total running time) of the movie showcases a long hike by an assorted group of civilians from one side of the island to the other. The Japanese invaded the Philippines and other territories as part of their plans to create what they called a Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Basically the idea was to expel foreign economic and military interests and to set up governments agreeable to Japan's plans for the region. Japan's industrial development was dependent on these areas for raw materials like oil, rubber, and iron ore. The Japanese are essentially faceless and behave moronically (tactically and otherwise), about the same treatment Japan got in propaganda films made during the war. There is a plot of sorts. Sgt. Marty Sackler (Gary Crosby) of the U. S. Army is living on a Japanese occupied island supplying Filipino insurgents with weapons to resist the Japanese occupation. Craig Benson (Audie Murphy), a civilian, comes to the island by submarine to set up a resistance network. He is also looking for his wife Ruth (Dolores Michaels) who he had to leave behind when he evacuated the place at the start of the war. Meanwhile she has fallen for Alejandro Rey who seems to be some kind of revolutionary insurgent. This is an incredibly lousy film which is rarely shown, so it should be easy to avoid. If you are forced to watch just be glad you are not a 10-year-old who just blew part of his meager allowance for a ticket.Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.