Basilisk: The Serpent King
Basilisk: The Serpent King
NR | 25 November 2006 (USA)
Basilisk: The Serpent King Trailers

Two millennia ago, a Lybian king has a basilisk (snake-shaped dragon), which petrifies people, subjected to the same fate with a golden scepter during a solar eclipse. Both these and several victims are dug up by modern archaeologist Harrison 'Harry' McColl's expedition. Despite a cryptic warning from tribal locals, everything goes to his Colorado university's museum. It's all exhibited during another eclipse, which leads to the monster reviving. Harry and some of his friends must try to petrify the monster again.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
MartianOctocretr5 Opening scene mayhem introduces a formidable beast, a serpent with spiritual vengefulness. It can petrify victims to stone in Medusan fashion, and it can swat you like a fly too. Odd that it has Greek Mythological power, since it's lurking in the Mid-East desert. Treasure hunters and a full moon unleash the giant serpent to emerge and wreak more destruction.Promising start, but after that initial scene, this film decides it's a junior high school production, and degenerates into unbridled silliness. When the creature is unleashed, does it utilize its horrifying powers for a grandiose or symbolic attack? Like other monsters would? No, it just tears up a museum and a shopping mall. It also wipes out a bunch of "soldiers" who look like they trained for combat by playing war games with GI Joe dolls.The acting is painfully bad. Somebody recites a line loudly, and then pauses expectantly, as if waiting for a laugh track to be inserted. It reminded me of one of those tween sit-coms on Disney channel. The archaeologist guy (a Robert Downey look-like) wanders around with a pie-eyed gaping expression. He makes dumb quips, and he just looks weird. There's a stock nerdy geek, who has neon-yellow bleached hair and horn-rimmed glasses. The female love interest looks like she's going to laugh hysterically at any moment.The red-dress greedy rich femme-fatale wannabe girl deserves special recognition. Her tough vamp routine looks more like a shampoo commercial. She runs around with a big heavy gold staff, looking like she's going to trip over her stiletto heels any moment. One guess on how shampoo vamp ends up. And it'll seem way over due.About as scary as a Care Bears cartoon. For its unintentional humor, it's good for a couple of laughs.
bobthemongoose This is the latest monster movie tromp from the Sci-fi channel. While many other sci-fi channel movies like "Kraken" were absolutely terrible, this movie is pretty good. But if compared to "Aliens" or "King Kong", this movie would be considered terrible. The plot centers on a basilisk running loose around a city and scientists trying to stop it. Also two bad guys steal a staff that has the power to kill the basilisk but at the same time find a great treasure. Of course the bad guys want the treasure. But with the basilisk following the bad guys, things get complicated. While the characters are like card-board cut-outs and the special effects not so special, this movie exceeds in is a story that moves along fast enough to keep people entertained and excited. This movie is fairly enjoyable and only moderately disappointing. If sci-fi keeps making movies of this caliber, than i will tune in on Saturdays much more often.
OC47150 Basilisk wasn't as bad as some of the other Saturday night Sci-fi Channel offerings. The majority of the budget was obviously spent on CGs. While there were scenes where the CG effects weren't great, there were others that it was.My big complaint about these movies are little details. These movies are filmed in Eastern Europe, where the buck can be stretched further than in the states. That's fine, but at least if you're depicting the U.S. military, use American-issued weapons, not weapons fixed to look like them. Would it be too hard to scrounge up some decent-looking M-16s?
b-rad "Basilisk" is on right now, the latest CGI monster flick from Sci-Fi, inspired by medieval bestiaries (remember "Manticore"?).The effects are bad, the characters and situations predictable, the monster really badly drawn, but it's another one of those movies that is so bad, you can enjoy laughing at it. And if it weren't for movies like this, actors like Stephen Furst wouldn't have anything to do.At least we get to see Yancy Butler running around in a little cocktail dress.Now I see that there is a minimum line requirement to these comments, so I have to add more content. Let's see...The soldier popping up out of the manhole, begging for help, only to get pulled back in, that's predictable.The lone garbage man who sees the monster as he walks to the dumpster, that's a cliché, too.Oh, and the producers fulfilled another horror movie requirement by having the monster attack a shopping mall. Take that, you blind consumerist sheep!Ooh, and the monster came to life at a university museum, at a reception for wealthy patrons. Take that, capitalists! Throw in a nutty sidekick, and a hot blonde archeology professor, and we have plenty of the expected building blocks of a shake-and-bake monster movie.Is that enough lines now?I see that it is. Who's idea was that requirement, anyway?