| 02 June 2010 (USA)
Baseline Trailers

The Baseline is the centre of the East London grime club scene and the queue regularly stretches around the block. Danny works on the door - breaking up fights and managing drunk kids. However, when he rescues Terry, the club owner and local gang leader, from a hitman, Danny is suddenly plunged deep into an underworld he had tried so hard to avoid. Danny is promoted to manager, but only on the condition that he turns a blind eye to the shady goings on both on and off the dance-floor. Danny and his girlfriend Jessica dream of setting up their own club, but Danny is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice when he has to choose between loyalty, morality and his own dreams of escape

TinsHeadline Touches You
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
mayshosea Wasted my time with this film tonight, all of the acting was superb with the exception of the main character. Yes, obviously that ruins the whole movie because not only does he never really feel believable, the writer doesn't ever throw you a bone to make up for it -_- The Director and film crew along with a pretty good cast give you enough hope to keep watching, wishing and hoping the main character will get it together.... The A/v crew did a great job because it looks like with a low budget they managed to pull of a pretty great production visually. I hope this movie gets redone at some point with a bit of comedy and a better lead role though.
GGEO GGEO Not your usual lovable cockney geezer gangster film, this is far more realistic and gritty. Great performances by Jamie Foreman, Dexter Fletcher, Gordon Alexander, with Gary Stretch, tattooed and minus teeth, and Gemma Atkinson in a fleece! Go figure. Story just about hangs together and should keep even those with the attention span of a goldfish interested till the end. BlueRay picture is lush but there are not enough extras which means marks lost out of 10.Makes a change from the normal wide boy gangster films out there.
Lobus1 I never managed to see this film at the cinema as it had a very limited release, but I picked up a copy on Blu Ray yesterday and was not disappointed. The quality of the picture and sound was exceptional.Firstly this is not your typical 'Gangster Movie', it's not about a wannabee gangster trying to ascend the ranks to win favour and to be the next top crime boss, it's a film about an average guy who works as a club bouncer, and who through no fault of his own is drawn into a dark world which he really does'nt want to be part of.It's the kind of film you could have seen Gary Oldman acting in a few years back, or if it had been based on a true story, Ken Loach directing. At no point does it have the typical "Cockney" Gangster characture. The film has a very realistic and gritty feel about it,from the opening title sequence to the very end. It does not glamorise gangsters and their life style in any way. The film plays heavily on loyalty, and what somebody is willing to sacrifice for friendship. The film moves along at a swift pace and has a really nice haunting score.There are a few scenes which are quite violent but are very believable, the realism is a credit to the film.The performances were very solid from all the cast, a few familiar faces cropped up which was nice to see, Dexter Fletcher, Jamie Forman Gemma Atkinson and Zoe Tapper. Both the Lead Actors gave very strong performances throughout the film as did all the supporting cast.The only negative thing that I can say about the movie is the explosion at the end could have been bigger, but as there is no commentary on the DVD I can only guess that they had limited funds and they only had one go at it.I would highly recommend this small independent film with its attribute to honour, friendship and loyalty. If you buy or rent this movie, do not expect a Mockney Gangster Film.
chicagopoetry Baseline (based upon another movie called The Grind) is an engaging, big budget gangster film with some romance thrown in that unfortunately just falls apart at the end. Let's just say it. The ending involves a car explosion that looks like Mickey Mouse pulled it off. Oh, come on, a briefcase full of plastic explosives and there is nothing but a few flames popping out of the window? And if our hero had the capability and know-how to pull something like that off, why didn't he do it long before things got as ugly as they did? Wouldn't a good shoot out have been more realistic and entertaining? It's also simply implausible that our hero has worked for this evil villain for three years but no trust or repertoire has developed. The big boss treats our hero like he is nothing but a worm and our hero takes it and takes it until the unbelievable ending, which of course involves our hero somehow magically freeing himself from the torture ropes to suddenly save the day. The first three fourths of this movie is excellent and this would have been a major blockbuster if the last one fourth didn't, well, how should I put it, suck.