| 01 January 2008 (USA)
Banshee!!! Trailers

A group of college friends on a spring break camping trip are stalked and slashed by an unknown creature with the ability to make them hallucinate through sound waves. The survivors hold up refuge in an isolated farmhouse, cut off from all communication. Now, they have to come up with a plan to kill this unrelenting creature before it kills them. "Banshee!!!" takes the idea of the legendary Irish myth and spins it around into a terrifying and unstoppable monster!

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
jlthornb51 While this film deserves to be panned for its overall failure, an outstanding and memorable performance by Kerry McGann redeems this lackluster effort from total oblivion. She is simply excellent as a local police officer who goes to battle with the dreaded titular banshee. Her portrayal of a strong and competent female character is refreshing in this sort of horror outing. Despite a weak script and poor dialog, she manages to make clear what a gifted actor can do in the worst of movies. It is only because of McGann that this is not a complete waste of time. The rest of the cast seems amateurish, as does the direction. The special effects are terrible and the cinematography is abysmal. The film is only recommended as an introduction to the work of Kerry McGann and little else.
GL84 On a camping trip for Spring Break, a group of friends run across a farming family engaged in a deadly struggle with a legendary creature and are brought into the blood-soaked war between both sides.This here was quite an enjoyable creature feature with a lot to like about it. One of the more enjoyable aspects here is the rather novel creature are the center of the film, which has plenty to like. The design and overall look to this one is pretty intriguing as this one plays out rather nicely here by being quite a unique and enjoyable design which fits the creature rather well. It also has some rather intriguing effects on the other parts of the film by showcasing some pretty intriguing tactics and abilities to make this quite unique. It's primary tactic of a hallowing, debilitating shriek which disrupts those around it as well as giving it a weapon based off its own history and is all executed quite well, while a secondary ability in the shape-shifting causes this one a lot of fun in the few scenes it's utilized. The distrust among the survivors in the house at the end by switching out different people and bring along all the different confrontations in the house due to that are all really exciting which settles onto the film's best aspect which is the rather exciting action scenes within this one. These are spread throughout here which makes for a pretty thrilling pace in addition to providing this one with a slew of exciting moments. The opening attack on the campsite which leads into the chase through the train-tracks through the woods, the two different flashbacks showing the family's struggle with the creature and the encounter in the family barn all manage to include that kind of exciting and enjoyable action while still maintaining a healthy dose of fear for the creature. Along with the rather bloody kills and a fine sense of cheese delivered through the different seduction techniques with this one, it has a lot to like though there's some minor flaws present. One of the biggest here is that this one never really gives this a healthy back-story for the creature. This one never gives up much of anything about the creature or why it's going after the family or why it's there to begin with, and there's little about that which fits this. Aside from this, the only other flaw would be the lame CGI here for everything from the creature and the kills which stands out quite readily, and slightly lowers this one.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
Robert Yasumura I am not being hyperbolic: easily one of the worst films ever to find distribution. With the exception of the acting (which isn't great really), every other aspect of this film is grossly incompetent. From the writer of the script to the mixer of the sound, pretty much no one knew what they were doing. Obviously, the director deserves most of the derision. Scenes that make no sense and/or go nowhere; moments meant to be gratuitously cool that are laughably stupid; surprises that fail because you've long since stopped caring. Let me give one example: In one later scene, one of the heroes fights the monster by playing an electric guitar solo. It's entirely possible this was meant to be a comedy...but it failed on that point as well. It ranks up there with "The Room," among movies that were made out of someone's shear ambition and ignorance without any regard to skill or content. I highly recommend you watch it so you will appreciate every other film you'll ever see.
ledragonquidort I have to agree with the previous poster who quite rightly mentioned the unfinished and/or incomplete feel of this movie. It's quite evenly paced but there are a few superfluous scenes used as "filler" which beggar explanation. For example, after the group witness two of their number killed in the most gruesome manner they very quickly revert to cracking jokes and giving someone a hard time because he needs to pee!!? I mean.. what?? The creature itself is passable given the budget but the Banshee of legend has more in common with the fairy folklore than what they have here, which seems to be some kind of hybrid "shrieker" from the Tremors movies, I was also reminded of Rawhead Rex (1986). The acting was patchy at best but the most disappointing element of this film was the ending where it descends into some kind of lame pseudo pastiche of visual styles which ultimately fails to impress. That said, I've seen a lot worse.