| 01 January 2008 (USA)
Bane Trailers

Held captive in an underground prison by a sadistic sicko who fancies himself a surgeon, 4 women fight for their lives, knowing the exact time they're scheduled to die thanks to a crudely carved set of numbers on each of their bodies. None of them can remember how they got there, but if any of them figure out the secret to their imprisonment, they stand at least some chance of surviving.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) BANE ,Alittle 'SAW' & a tad 'H P LOVECRAFT' this is a movie with somestuff to Frighten ! So these ladies may have been kidnapped,That's pretty bad news.Some medical types are experimenting with/on them…Not good.Is that a Cthulhu alien ??? So,These factors are unsettling and then they get a 'Time To Die' carved into their bodies.There is a lot going on and the title BANE was never explained to our satisfaction, Were the producers playing off the release of new BATMAN film with the villain, BANE or is it the explanation of the word -a person or thing that ruins or spoils.
mandalamama Four women wake up in a room without their memories, and their only clue to their identities are names written on their wrist-bands. Cue very creepy, gory and (the director hopes) terrifying goings-on. Of course here's a twist at the end.***here be the spoiler!***The problem with the entire movie is: the twist is revealed in the first minutes of the film. There was only one woman, in the opening credits, to sit down in the chair calmly and receive the injection. That gave it away entirely, and the "explanation" at the end is so little-explored within the film, they just don't matter.
in1984 It didn't turn out quite as good as either of them, though still interesting paranoid sci-fi.It does in fact amount to a combination of Killing Room and District 9, as odd as that may sound. More of an interesting concept than anything else because the acting and direction fail to keep it moving.The one story-line problem is that the weapon against aliens they're developing has no realistic way to be applied on a large scale and would likely fail without the ability to isolate individual aliens, which given the description of events and aliens does not seem plausible. Fortunately, it doesn't ruin the film.
oldguy7547-1 This was like a train wreck in that I felt compelled to watch it to the end... That being said your best bet is to not even start. The movie made very little sense even after the explanation which was at the very end. The gore part was not. The horror part was not and I could go on. The only positive thing I might say is that the actress Sophia Dawny did a pretty good job and was convincing as a woman who was terrified yet started to grow strength as the movie progressed. The woman supposedly had their memories wiped but she had flash backs but they were confusing. They could have handled them the flash backs in a different way although not sure what. There were so many unanswered questions that my head spun.Don't waste your money buying it or your time if it ever comes onto TV.