Bad to the Bone
Bad to the Bone
| 19 October 1997 (USA)
Bad to the Bone Trailers

A murderous sociopath (and former battered child) uses her naive younger brother in a scheme to do away with her inconvenient lover.

Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Madilyn Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
whpratt1 Kristy Swanson,(Francesda Wells) gave a very convincing performance as a very very bad girl who would do anything for money and a completely wild life. Francesda is every young man's dream of a gal who is Easy and eager to please all kinds of men and has no regard for law and order. In other words, this gal has no soul and lives from day to day and loves to destroy most of the people she encounters. Jeremy London,(Danny Wells), "Kiss Me Again",'05, is the brother to Francesda and adores his sister and will do anything to protect her. However, in many ways she really uses her brother to accomplish her needs and desires. The poor mother has to put up with this daughter of hers and the entire film makes you hope and pray you never have a daughter like Francesda. Great acting by Kristy Swanson and Jeremy London.
hilljayne This is a very good film. Kristy Swanson is great as a seductress man eating money loving party girl. The reviewer on the first page of these reviews is totally wrong about Ms. Kristy Swanson. She is a much better seductress than say Sarah Michelle Gellar ala Cruel Intentions. Though not quite as spectacular as Nicole Kidman in To Die For. I would give her acting a 9/10. In the makeup department I would give her fake hairpiece she wears in scenes where she is a teenager a 0. It is so obviously fake it almost takes you away from her acting. Jeremy London is good as her loose cannon brother. Best scene: When a motel clerk tells Swanson WE DON'T GET A LOT OF WHORES HERE her reply? WELL YOU GOT YOURSELF ONE NOW.
Pretty Face Spoilers Kristy Swanson acted in this Movie called `Bad to the Bone' and the taglines for the movie were `She had good looks. A great body. And killer instinct.' Guess what this movie was all about.Kristy Swanson acted as Francesca Wells, a drop dead gorgeous lady with great body and attractive attitude. Kristy stayed with her parents and a 17 year old younger brother (Jeremy London) who loves her. Kristy hates her parents.Kristy's brother just love Kristy. His existence in life is just to protect Kristy. When Kristy helps him cut his hair, his heart melted. He will just do anything that Kristy tell him to do. Kristy get fed up with her parents and killed them and inherited millions. She then go out with a guy who owns a club. Eventually Kristy gets tired of this guy. Kristy never satisfy with anything.Kristy plans to kill this guy, of course not risking herself. Kristy tells her brother how much she suffered being with this guy. Her brother get angry and suggest to kill him. Kristy was very smart, she did not mention anything, but to make it so attractive for his brother to initiate the killing. The guy went to kill him, while Kristy was having dinner with a guy to protect herself as possible witness. When the job was done, she went back to the house and the cops were there. She was shocked to find his brother came back to the house later and look for her because he missed her. Kristy was very angry, cause his appearance may may make her suspicious.The cops get both of them for separate questioning. This woman cop asked Kristy, is it possible that his brother get jealous of her boy friend. She said admitted that. Wow, what a confidence lady. Anyway, Kristy was bailed out because a lawyer offer to pay for her freedom. Her brother will stay in jail. Kristy visited her brother in jail and use her sweet seductive skills to make sure that she will be 100% okay.She flew away, have fun, and go out with many rich people. One day, she bought a newspaper and was shocked to find her face appeared as a wanted person. Her brother betrayed her. She tried to run away. Many people notice her when she was moving from town to town but no one wants to report her. Then she made a call to the prison in a phone booth and the police track her down.
Gellar I first saw this film late one night when I was almost falling asleep. I saw that one of my favorite actors was in it so I stayed up. The film starts with the character Danny, sitting in jail ready to go to court. When he arrives at court, he is called up to testify and the film goes backward, and he tells the story. But there is no narration. The film is about Frankie, a young girl of about 19 years of age, who kills her mother because they are always fighting, and so she could inherit all the money. Nobody knows that it was her who killed her mother, because she covers it up. She meets a guy named Waldo, who lies to police for her and they end up living together with all the money. They argue alot because she is spending all the money. Waldo threatens to tell the police that she wasn't really with him, the day her Mom was killed and Frankie gets nervous so she tries to manipulate her brother to kill him. I won't tell you anymore. But it's a great film. Kristy Swanson(from Buffy the film) stars as the manipulative sister of Danny, who has an evil side to her. The film keeps your intrest, because it keeps you in suspense. You are also always wandering how the character of Frankie(Kristy Swanson) can be so horrible and manipulative. The story line was great, and I thought the acting was excellent from Jeremy London(Danny). Kristy Swanson gave a great performance. I really recommend the film, it was great.