Bad Cop
Bad Cop
| 03 November 2009 (USA)
Bad Cop Trailers

A cop Angel Almaraz saves the life of a local crime boss who, in return, offers him a job as part of his security. Almaraz accepts but soon has doubts.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
oscarlawren It is hard to review a picture which has been made from dedication towards picturing the reality of the Latino-American population. This movie plays the border where Spanish and American culture meet, the chaos erupts, the feelings are brushing American clichés. NO, it is not a good movie, but an honest attempt at it.. no it is not amateurism, but let us say pre-professional. The scenario is.. not very good. The lines and the characters are often paper like, tinsel, and yet I kept wondering how this tale would evolve. The collision of two cultures and the fact that it really is partially a Spanish- speaking movie makes it interesting. Carradine.. good? No, not really, but still a moving tribute from a director at the beginning. An apprentice-film really. If it is worthwhile to stick to his cause future can only tell. Not a superb beginning, but one though. The female characters are sometimes worthwhile, the bulk of the cast is too camera-consciousness, and forgot the story once in a while to follow their idea about the narrative.
spam-654-303305 To begin with, this movie is offensively bad. The actors couldn't act to save their own lives. You will recognize the old guy from Kill Bill and so many other movies, David Carradine. Even his performance was far below par. The sound effects are off. In one scene you see a car door slam and it sounds like someone hitting a stick against a tree. Then they are in a car and all you can hear are background noises. To their own credit, they must have been on a really tight budget. The camera shots are poor quality; bad color balance, and even worse lighting. This is one of those movies that was so bad that the whole time I was thinking about how bad I felt for the people who invested in this travesty. Sorry.
jollychainsaw-1 Decent movie, but the ending will leave you hanging.... In a Thai hotel room..... Because that's supposed to be pleasurable. (?) Basically, from a philosophical standpoint, "Good cop, Bad Cop" defines the duality of all reality, with undertones of sarcasm. It's a brutal punch the face in the mirror movie that makes one ponder their very existence on this flawed, floating mud ball we over-habitate.Kill them all and let the deity of your choice sort them out is the clear statement of this film.In summation, a movie lavish with intrigue, excitement, unpopular actors and and one saving grace: a sexy performance by Mr. Carridine that really choked me to the depths of my soul.