Bad Building
Bad Building
NR | 23 June 2015 (USA)
Bad Building Trailers

The Desmond - the building's pleasant sounding name hides a troubled past. The high rise has a long history of fires, murders, madness and even colonial era genocide upon the site. The towering building has stood empty for the better part of a century and even squatters dare not enter it's fortress like walls. But now Johnny Craig, the host of the popular TV paranormal investigation show 'America's Most Haunted' is planning to do a prime-time special from inside The Desmond. With no known way in, or out, Craig has contacted a group of urban explorers to help him and his film crew enter the building. But when Craig and his team set foot inside The Desmond the events that caused the building to be abandoned in the first place begin to repeat.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
blamdrum It's almost a shame this movie didn't crest over the point when a movie is SO's good. I kept waiting for that moment but it never came. But it came close, and here are those moments. The first moment was when the "film crew" was entering the "bad" building, and a few "creepy" bald guys peered out from hiding spots to watch them walk by. Their make-up was just terrible enough to be hilarious. Oddly enough the creepy blue man group never made another appearance in the film, almost like the filmmakers forgot they added them and include them into the "plot" later. The second moment was when one of the female cast members, (I don't remember her name because there is virtually no character development in the movie)was pointing a gun into a room, and the door slammed shut on her hand, severing the hand off. What makes this scene hilarious is there is no attempt from the other characters to administer first aid of any kind. One would assume, at minimum a tourniquet would be used to stop the expected bleeding. One of the male cast says, "You're going to be OKAY"! A very funny thing to say to someone a few seconds after their hand is severed by a door. The other "almost terrible enough" moment(s) is the idiotic crew they have waiting in a van outside the building while our would-be ghost hunters are being killed off one by one. The comparisons to the Scooby Doo cast can not be overlooked. The two women in the van lose contact with the rest of the gang in the building and keep dismissing the obvious tragedy unfolding with excuses of technical problems, or bad connections. If the filmmakers had shown the two women eating pistachio nuts with a disinterested uncaring attitude, or sitting in a van filled with pot smoke, or even in the sensual embrace of lovemaking, it would have been a home run! Otherwise: Terrible acting, overacting, but let's be fair not even Daniel Day-Lewis could have saved this movie with a script apparently written by someone with serious attention deficit to story line.
quincytheodore Never mind that the premise of a building defending itself is both corny and cliché, this particular movie manages to wreck any kind of semblance to decent film-making. It defies all logic in such terrible way that it's not even funny laughing at it. Practically every overused gimmicks in horror is rehearsed and in so much worse way than even the most mediocre films.This is definitely the lamest case of recorded breaking and entering. The cast is large, yet none of them is actually likable. Everyone seems very obnoxious, even the characters meant to be sympathetic. The entirety of the movie is basically one stupid patrol of this supposed grim building, filmed by the familiar shaky cam and needless found footage antic. Its structure is so flawed audience can shuffle the scenes and it would barely matter since there's little continuity.Worse yet, it tends to be comedic much more than it is terrifying, which for a horror is has none. The victims die in such agonizingly silly ways, and coupled with extremely bad acting, it's the shallowest attempt at horror in probably this decade. People would cross their eyes as though they are in pro wrestling, make stupid faces and roll around like they are impaired by epilepsy as substitute for fright.It'd be funny to see these people die like in bad high school drama, but it only ends up being pitiful.
faxirgulee A movie made by some really amateur guy, played by a dozen amateur ugly young people, watching it is losing time. No one of the people in this movie is an actress and they never will be one. A movie made by some really amateur guy, played by a dozen amateur ugly young people, watching it is losing time. No one of the people in this movie is an actress and they never will be one. A movie made by some really amateur guy, played by a dozen amateur ugly young people, watching it is losing time. No one of the people in this movie is an actress and they never will be one. A movie made by some really amateur guy, played by a dozen amateur ugly young people, watching it is losing time. No one of the people in this movie is an actress and they never will be one.
Bloodmarsh Krackoon So, there's been a nice little trend going on in the horror genre the last few years - and by 'nice,' I mean crap. The trend: a group of ghost hunter's enter (insert building of your choice here) to increase their ratings and save their TV show.Not only do we have to watch really bad reality TV, but now we have to watch really bad horror movies about really bad reality TV. I mean, what genius thought of this one? 'Bad Building' has it all - bad acting, bad lighting, bad audio, bad special effects, just all around bad. Random Ramblings of a Madman: 'Bad Building' is one of those horror films so bad, that it doesn't even qualify for 'worst movie I've ever seen,' because it can't even pull off the humor necessary for such an awesome accomplishment.