R | 01 September 2012 (USA)
Backslasher Trailers

A social networking slasher, with a supernatural edge and Brit-Horror chic.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
ChicDragon It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Michael Ledo Becca (Eleanor James) sells lingerie and sex toys (does it come in black?) on line. She has an on line blog where she gets close to her customers. Her close circle of friends are being killed off one by one. That's pretty much it. Not much character development. Not much plot. No suspects. No humor to add to what little horror the film generates. Bad bruise make-up on the blond. The back slasher pun doesn't even work well.F-bomb, sex, nudity (Eleanor James, Ree Sinclair)
Leofwine_draca BACKSLASHER is a micro budgeted British horror film about a young woman menaced by person or persons unknown. The film is so cheap that the director goes for the 'mood piece' approach throughout, attempting to build atmosphere but failing to show any kind of incident. It deserves plaudits for featuring better characterisation of the main players than is usual for this genre, but that doesn't make it good.The main actress tries hard and reminded me a lot of Eileen Daly, but in the end her efforts are for nought. The all-too-familiar story goes absolutely nowhere and by the end the viewer feels like they've wasted their time, nothing more.
atinder I'm not really that shocked that, there is no other comment on this, firstly, I did not see all of the movie. This as got to be one of the worst acted movie, I ever seem, I was even thinking of turning it off, just after 5 minutes.I try to find some good in very movie, I don't usual give low scores but this week have seen some really bad movies, that I've rated lows 2 and 3 , I don't often give 1's As the movie went on ,the acting got even worse, which made the movie UN- watch-able.As I did not see the full movie, I won't rate, I don't think I will even try to watch this movie again, as I don' think their is enough beer in the world, for me to watch the full movie. 0 out of 10