Babar: The Movie
Babar: The Movie
G | 28 July 1989 (USA)
Babar: The Movie Trailers

Children's book authors Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff's most beloved elephant comes to the big screen in this animated family tale. Elephant monarch King Babar tells the tale, that unfolds via flashback, of how a much-younger Barbar and his girlfriend Celeste save her village from the pugnacious rhinoceroses that have come to raid it.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
rosiehlewis I grew up with this film, along with children's classics like Mary Poppins and The Snowman, very surprised to learn as i grew up that no-one else had even heard of it! I think that this film is great for little kids - no violence or anything and lots of singalong songs (wasn't one of them number 1 in the Uk for a while??) anyway if you have small children definitely consider getting this. If they're like me it'll become one of those that they'll remember as a childhood favourite - in my case, it's one of those ones which you can watch on the sofa when you're off school ill - hmm a 'comfort movie' i'll call it. Watch it!
green_pixie18 I'm 16 now, and was just thinking of things i liked when i was little.Right away i remembered babar! he was my favorite cartoon next to my little I had to look up this movie because i was curious. then i saw the picture of the movie and remembered it! so weird. anyway, i liked this movie so much that after 12 years, i still remember scenes from it! isn't that crazy? it is a very good and cute movie. i highly recommend it for 4-8 year olds. it is hard to find though; i haven't seen it in any video stores since i was little. maybe you can only buy it now?? don't know.
summer_cutieangel I have watched this movie a lot i used to rent from the local library all the time. Its a great movie for any age. I have just recently bought it on DVD to keep the child memories alive in me a must see. When i watch this movie I think about the days that used to be.The movie follows the same format as the TV show with Babar telling a bedtime story to his four children. Kids all over will love this movie even if they have never seen anything with Babar before.
Erifod For those that aren't familiar, Babar occupies a curious little niche in children's books, and is sometimes the first exposure children have to cursive writing. Long story short, Babar is a prince in an elephant kingdom, having all sorts of curious adventures. In this movie, Babar has been left to run the kingdom while Dad is on vacation - however, the rhinoceroses declare war on the elephant kingdom, and Babar has to decide whether to resolve the problem through peaceful or violent means (pretty heavy for a 4 year old). The highlight of the film is Babar inquiring of his advisors as to recommendations - said advisors then launch into an amusing song-and-dance number about bureaucratic (in)efficiency being the best solution - "We'll send it to committee for review!" Increasingly funny the older you are . . .