| 11 November 2002 (USA)
Azazel Trailers

Based on Boris Akunin's novel 'Azazel' (English title 'The Winter Queen') set in Moscow in 1876. The novel started a long series quite popular in Russia. In 'Azazel' a young police officer - Erast Fandorin - investigates an odd suicide of some rich young man and finds a complex conspiracy, trying to take over most European countries - from Britain to Ottoman Empire - with the best intentions, of course.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Tofig There is a usual disappointment when someone reads an ingenious work of a writer and watches the film of it after even though the screenplay is written by the writer. You feel it in this one too. Mise-en-scene and cinematography is proper, however acting of some of the actors might be much better especially the main interesting character Fandorin had to have the best acting but unfortunately he has not. The music was missing in some parts of the movie. There should have been less cuts. And the important moments should have been emphasized. Overall it is a very interesting detective to watch, but it could have been done better by Aleksandr Abadashyan.
manya7-1 It would be hard for a film version to do justice to the book "Azazel": in my opinion the best of the Fandorin series, although "Death of Achilles" ranks a close second. The period costumes are enjoyable, as are the characterizations of Brilling, Bezhetskaya, Liza and especially Lady Adair. The actor portraying Fandorin, unfortunately, falls a little short of the mark--however, a larger than life character is hard to cast correctly.For once, the film follows the book (thank you, Mr. Akunin, for the script). Those who complain about the length of the film need to realize that this was originally a TV serial, each segment running 48 minutes as most serials do on Russian TV.Not the best it could have been, but definitely a warm-up for IMO, the best Russian serial of all time: "The Idiot"----a must see for anyone. Fortunately, the Idiot has subtitles in English, but the language is so beautiful (the 19th century idiom is delightful), one must listen carefully to appreciate.It will be interesting to see what Hollyweird does with "Azazel" in 2009. Milla Jovovich as Bezhetskaya: inspired casting choice!
datuchinio this film is really fantastic! Firstfully I have to say that the novel is written by Georgian writer not Russian, so it is the main reason ,why this film is so fascinating. this is very good story about Masons, and it is really interesting. I like acting in this film, especially the actor Basilashvili, he acts professionally , and of course he is Georgian not Russian. I think it's a good drama combined with detective plot. the end of the film is amazing, maybe the film is a bit long to see it ,when i saw it , I was really excited.So I want to add that this is the best Russian film, I have ever seen, and advise all film fans to see it ,they will enjoy it very much, but when they will see, they must foresee that without Georgian writer and actors this film would'Nat exist.
job4r2000 the book might be good, but the movie is quite disappointing.the acting is really bad. especially the main character is really annoying. since the movie was too long, there was almost no suspense for a detective story. sometimes it looks like a comedy, but unfortunately a bad one. the story is quite predictable. all in all, it is a waste of time. if you want to see a well done russian detective story, watch the old episodes of "adventures of sherlock homes".