Aurora: Operation Intercept
Aurora: Operation Intercept
| 01 January 1995 (USA)
Aurora: Operation Intercept Trailers

There have been two mysterious plane crashes in only 48 hours. The aircraft suddenly lose control and crash, killing everyone aboard. A woman of Russian descent, Francesca Zaborszin, the daughter of a slain Federal investigator, claims responsibility for the crashes. She believes her father was killed by the FBI as part of a cover-up operation and wishes to avenge his death by threatening to down more aircraft using the same electromagnetic pulse method. She also intends to crash a stolen military jet into the White House. There's no time to ground the planes: just enough time to try to stop her.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Leofwine_draca AURORA: OPERATION INTERCEPT is a B-movie about a stolen military jet being used against the United States. It's one of those cheap and boring little films that fetishes the latest technology but forgets to put a convincing human story in with it. A bunch of familir B-movie cast members is the only thing this one has going for it, but sadly they're not enough to make this a remotely interesting or engaging production. I admit that it is fun to see Bruce Payne (the usual movie bad guy of PASSENGER 57 and its ilk) playing the hero for a change, and Lance Henriksen is reliable in support. But the film is poorly directed and too darn dark for the most part. Corbin Bernsen pops up briefly as a pilot and Dennis Christopher hams it up as a pantomime Russian villain, but otherwise this is mindless fare.
penthane Seldomly have I watched such a bad movie. The plot is very unlikely at least. A USAF major who denies his orders to drop a bomb on an enemy base, because his colleague is held captive inside that base! Bull; soldiers follow orders! Another stupid scene: a gunfight where a bad guy takes the time to reload his handgun, while there is a loaded Kalashnikov at his feat? The 'hero' in the meanwhile is crying over his empty gun, while there are two loaded guns in the hall, no more then 10 ft away. Then another one. The prime bad guy (in this movie the bad girl), is a scientist, but is somehow not only a highly trained fighterpilot, able to avoid multiple missile attacks, but she also exactly knows how to pilot the top secret Aurora plane, which according to the start of the movie only has 2 classified pilots and 2 observers! And on top of that she can withstand all the G-force during Mach 3+ maneuvers without a sweat!!!This movie's script seems to be written by a 10 yr old, who has no understanding of physics whatsoever! The movements of the old Thunderbird animations are better then those in this movie.Gr., Rob
tmd-3 Finally a film which deals with the Pentagon's secret hypersonic aircraft and Area 51(Groom Lake - I think this whole UFO madness is being used by the military to shift the public's attention from high-tech secrets to pure imagination, even though i do not rule out the possible existence of alien life)I also liked Lance Henriksen's performance in this movie. Of course, the plot is somewhat childish, but at least there's another "Firefox"(Clint Eastwood)-like movie, even though of much lower quality (including the special effects and the plot)
Vegas-6 Good lord, this is atrocious. I went in expecting very little, but this didn't deliver what I was expecting. I was thinking some decent explosions and some dogfighting and whatnot, mixed with bad acting and lame lines with cool special effects.First, we have the explosions/dogfighting/special effects. The movie, as the title indicates, is about a top-secret (and, according to conspiracy theorists, real) plane code-named 'Aurora' which is far faster than anything we currently have, carries more bombs, Nevada to Baghdad in 2 hours, that sort of thing. The planes are computer generated, by and large, and not very well at that.Perhaps I'm a bad judge, since I play with computer animations quite a bit myself. But, at the same time, -I- (as an amateur!) could have done better graphics for planes, explosions, missles, and the like on my home computer. Really, not good.Next we have plot/scripting/acting. I came in not expecting much, and I got what I expected. Most of the plot is minor setups for more shots of planes chasing planes being chased by missles. (No machine guns anywhere in the movie. Not one.) The acting is primarily 'This is aurora one, targetting aurora two, preparing to fire, missles away' type of stuff. The actual acting to be done was weak at best.Worth a good laugh or if you wanna know what really bad movies look like. Never ever ever pay for it. (I saw it on cinemax, so I didn't really pay for it, thankfully) Don't rent it, only watch it on the premium channels when there's _nothing_ else on.