Horst in Translation (filmreviews@web.de)
"Operation Guardian Angel" is a slightly over six-year-old movie which runs for 90 minutes and deals with a female police officer being charged with protecting the son of a rich industrialist. It is not a comedy, but entirely drama. Fratzscher and Neuwöhner, the movie's director and writer have had a very prolific career on television, including many "Tatort" episodes, which makes me a bit surprised as this film here makes them look like rookies, especially the writer. The cast includes Bodenbender, Sadler and the late Glowna, decent cast for a small-screen release. Also in it is Kerstin Radt ("Verbotene Liebe"), but she is unbearably bad here and we can easily see why she is not having a bigger career at this point. The scene where she acts like an annoying brat with her friends towards the lead character is as bad as the one where she asks Sadler's character what he thinks of her bra. Horribly written and performed. Thankfully, she is not in many other scenes.However, even if the actors try their best, this is just not a good movie, mostly because of the script. Of course the bodyguard and her protégé become a couple in the end. *yawn* In general, there is lots of cliché in here. The police officer who became a policewoman after she was strictly against them in her younger years, the son of rich parents who gets everything he wants and yet is a decent human being, even if people believe otherwise, the rebelling daughter with her boyfriend etc. All in all, this film has nothing that hasn't been done before and mostly better. Also the moments supposed to deliver in terms of action or thriller are not particularly remarkable. Not recommended.