Assault of the Killer Bimbos
Assault of the Killer Bimbos
R | 06 May 1988 (USA)
Assault of the Killer Bimbos Trailers

Two go-go dancers, Lulu and Peaches, are framed for the murder of their employer by the real killer, sleazy gangster Vinnie. Picking up waitress Darlene along the way, the three are involved in wild car chases with cops as they head south to cross the border into Mexico, where they unexpectedly encounter Vinnie in a fleabag Mexican motel.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Anthony Bannon (bannonanthony) I was curious about this movie as it featured an appearance from Nick Cassavetes, who I think is a great actor, and there were possibly car chases in it, so I just had to see it. The movie is certainly never going to win any Oscars, but I don't care as I thoroughly enjoyed it. The three 'Bimbos' are all very attractive and well-performed and Cassavetes and his 'WRAITH' co-stars Griffin O'Neal and Jamie Bozian were good as the stoner surfers that the girls meet while on the run.There is only one real car chase in the film, but it's done very well, and features a great cameo from professional nerd Eddie Deezen as a clueless police officer and a unique use for lingerie. ASSAULT is a rather short film, but then again, the film makers probably didn't want the joke to wear thin. I lover how the girls get revenge on the guy who framed them, and earlier in the film where they give a lecherous, crooked gas station owner what-for when he tries to rip them off. It's also funny how Peaches (the 'leader' of the Bimbos) tries to artistically justify go-go dancing.Overall, this was a great, funny movie, with sexy girls and great humour. May not be to everyone's taste, but I liked it.
DrScore Lonely B-movie addicts seeking jag-off material, yet too timid to rent porn, should probably skip this title. There's hardly any sex or violence, and no used up Scream Queens. It does have three cute, working class girls on the lam from gangsters, red-neck chauvinists, and Eddie Deezen, beating a trail to Mexico. This sure sounds like Thelma and Louise, and there are scenes Thelma shamelessly lifted right out of Bimbos. Considering Bimbos probably had the same total budget as Ridley Scott had for cafe lattes, you have to admire this spunky little movie's quirky feminist ethos and originality. Elizabeth Kaiten is adorable. Three mariachis pretend to play instruments that have no bearing on the music, just like the Monkees. A blast.
jjw8 Even in the rarefied air of b-movies this is a stinker. Unlike the work of the fun B directors (H. G. Lewis, Fred Olen Ray, Al Adamson, even Ed Wood) this commits the cardinal sin of being boring. There's no energy, style or fun to this movie. It's just a tedious, drawn-out chase plot featuring three scantily clad women, of whom only Elizabeth Kaitan is worth a second look. (It's no coincidence that she's the only of the three who subsequently had any sort of career.) Even the bad actors (and there are plenty) are boring. Only Kaitan and supergeek Eddie Deezen bring anything to this party. The picture also deserves special mention for two of the lamest performances ever given by famous actors' offspring in one movie, courtesy of Griffin O'Neal and Nick Cassavettes as zonked out surfers. How did this mess ever develop a cult following?
TedEBear Expecting some lamebrain sitcom reject, I found "Assault of the Killer Bimbos" to be good stupid fun. Christina Whitaker made the biggest impression on me; I found her to be funny, smart, and rather attractive. To coin a cliche, don't expect Shakespeare, and you won't go away disappointed. An excellent "girls just wanna have fun" movie; the overall acting and story are better than what the box at the video store led me to believe.