As Night Comes
As Night Comes
R | 14 November 2014 (USA)
As Night Comes Trailers

Troubled 17-year-old Sean Holloway falls in with a group of teenage outcasts called 'The Misfits,' whose charismatic leader, Ricky, takes him under his wing. But as Sean becomes more and more entangled in the gang's anarchist ways, things begin to spiral out of control, and Sean realizes Ricky is a ticking time bomb on a rampage of revenge. On the eve of Halloween, as night comes, everything explodes…

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
briancgardell Finally, a movie that makes me think! A nonstop ride, from our children's perspective. This movie shows what goes on behind the scenes. Our kids only tell us what we want to hear. Maybe as parents we should start asking more questions, and being more involved. Very well done, highly recommended. I like the way that the film was done, very clean technique, with many different angles. Characters were well portrayed throughout the entire film length. The dialogue was realistic and very well written. A must see movie for teenagers who feel lost, and don't have anywhere to turn. All aspects of this film kept my attention, and made me feel like I was watching the scene right in front of my eyes. It made me wonder if I really knew everything that goes on with my kids.
pinkkitty This movie wasn't exactly what I was expecting but it was compelling. I was interested in the characters' relationships. I think it really depicted high school well. It was very sad, which I actually liked because so many movies nowadays you watch and you don't really care about the characters, you don't really feel anything when you're done- it's just entertainment. But this movie felt very... emotional, but in a quiet way. Which is a good thing IMO. Maybe some people just want to be entertained when they see movies, but I want to feel stuff, I want to be pulled into the world of the movie. I really felt like I was in this guy's life. Also I really liked the soundtrack!
steven-roy-902-191757 Disturbing, uncomfortable, and uplifting all at the same time.There is no "protagonist" anywhere among this great young cast that features Luke Baines as the deeply dysfunctional leader of a group dubbed "The Misfits" and Myko Olivier as the Misfits' apparent "odd-man out." As the Misfits pre-Halloween rampage escalates from petty crime through the gamut of assault, battery, arson and murder Olivier's Sean Holloway provides a reluctant counterpoint of conscience to Baines' Ricky Gladstone, who grows more and more fond of the havoc as the plot unfolds. We eventually see them both as different sides of the same very tarnished coin - one "redeemable," the other irretrievably lost in the mire. In the end, we're not quite sure which is which.The lighting and camera work for this piece give the impression you are viewing a live Hieronymus Bosch painting; simultaneously fascinating, scary, beautiful, repellent, and symbolic. Whether deliberately our not, the many odd points of view, and the disjointed compelling images put one in mind of Kubrick (Clockwork Orange) and some of the disorienting images in Hitchcock's films.The production values on the film are awesome! It looks more like a 20 million dollar film than a film made for what I know it was made for.I saw this movie in a distributor screening. Here's hoping someone picks this up so that others can enjoy it too. The last time I had a similar feeling about a pre-release showing was a few years ago… the film was Gods and Monsters. I left that one thinking "too bad it doesn't have distribution and we are the only audience that will see it" too. Hope Mischief Night does just as well!
trevorsnarr "With its nod to Clockwork Orange, Mischief Night, directed by Richard Zelniker, avoids every cliché and cheap trick, instead forcing us inside the pain, fear and excruciating confusion that lives inside so many people today. It doesn't look 'at' a social issue and offer a glossy solution. It demands that we feel the desperation of its trapped protagonists. Who is the hero and who is the villain? No easy answer there either. We all have a voice. A passionate, but weary English teacher (portrayed with such humanity by Moe Irvin) offers a path. Shakespeare. Poetry. But this writer, director, producers and stunning cast walk us down that path and lead the way for every kid, parent, citizen, human asking not just 'Why did another kid take a gun to school?' and 'Why did another horrific killing happen?' The pain is intolerable. The fear is constant. And the answers too quiet and too late. Mischief Night opens a much needed conversation. No. It demands it from a roof top. And about that director, Richard Zelniker found a soft-spoken boy with a volcano inside of him and put that voice on screen. Where so many filmmakers today rely on horrific violence, gore and external terror to hold our attention, Zelniker somehow makes us feel every painful moment without ever taking the easy way out. An adult film about childhood agony that reveals itself so exquisitely, you are left shaken to the core without one 'shock shot'. Like The Hurt Locker, your heart is in your mouth from the first five minutes through the final exhale. Beautifully photographed, the images are terrifying and haunting in the best way. How does a film that never jolts you with that sudden scream keep you so wrapped? Zelniker and his cast jolt us awake. Complacency is not an option. Helter Skelter, Clockwork Orange, and The Outsiders have a companion for the shelf. I really didn't want to, but Zelniker made me look. And now I can't close my eyes." Eden Bernardy Screenwriter