| 20 October 2007 (USA)
Artifacts Trailers

A young woman realizes her friends are being murdered by their own doubles. She and her boyfriend work to solve the mystery before becoming victims themselves.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Peereddi I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
bacardicazz I bought this DVD out of the blue, I wanted to be surprised. The movie focuses on a young woman named Kate who finds out all of her friends and co-workers are murdered by their doubles. At no point this is a mystery for her because the doubles make no effort of concealing themselves for prying security cams. While the police seemingly makes no effort of solving the case (?) Kate runs for her life and tries to save as many friends as she can. The style of photography is guerilla at best, which gives the movie a documentary-like feeling, especially in the rare action scenes. Unfortunately, because of the underground touch, it never accomplishes to be scary or intensive. Also, the writers have forgotten to include any and all explanations as to where the doubles are coming from, who made/grew them, who are controlling them and why, what are the artefacts for, etc? I like my fair share of mystery and mysticism, but there is a difference between letting the viewer decide what to make of it him/herself, and just leaving everything open. I have to say that I am impressed with the time schedule, because the documentary points out that three guys did all the work in a little over a month for only 100,000 dollars. I also have to say that the acting felt a little staged. Kate appears to express total anxiety as her neutral emotional state and you basically care little whether she lives or dies. Overall, it feels more like you are watching a filmschool project rather than an actual movie.
Kelvin D Walker I do have to say that I am instantly intrigued by and endeared to movies whose endings get people angry. I don't know why. So when I hear of one I try to seek it out and see for myself. A great example is the zombie movie Automaton Transfusion, another very low rated film/movie/trash morsel on IMDb. (possible spoiler) The ending there was hilariously on a dime(End possible spoiler).This movie I liked. The opening left me a bit dubious, low budget and all, but it has some fun ideas ripped of from higher budget movies. If I were an investor in this movie, and it broke even, I would definitely invest in their next project.
johnslegers Maybe it's because I'm Belgian, but I actually really liked this film.So the film doesn't have a well-developed storyline, but those who really bother about that don't seem to get the point of this film. All this film attempts to do, is to create a totally paranoid atmosphere for an hour and fifteen minutes... It attempts to do so mostly by focusing on the emotions of pretty regular young people, creative camera angles and a creepy soundtrack. In my opinion they most definitely succeeded. It might have helped that I smoked a joint on forehand, but I really felt on the edge throughout the film.After coming to the realisation that the film was shot on a very limited budget and in a very limited time frame, I was really impressed.
bigdarvick There is nothing good or enjoyable about this film. Shot somewhere in Belgium with American actors or Europeans trying to put on American accents (I heard slips here and there)this flick initially looked like it may have some potential. I'd say within the first 2 minutes I realized that I may have had a better time just taking my rental dollars and flushing them down the toilet. This movie was dumb, dumb dumb! Again, the actors (lol) took this script so seriously and try so hard to deliver academy award performances. Awkward dialog (of what little was said), terrible music sound track which was primarily made up of loud drum beats and electronically processed noise, all mixed together to bring you one of the worst and disappointing films made in years. Lots of running in between buildings and no horror scares at all. The ending of this film was probably one of the most self serving and poorly written I've seen in a while. Amateur film making at it's worst. I wonder if anyone at RedBox actually watched this movie. My advice to RedBox is too pick better movies!! Watch them first before you place it for rental in your vending machines. We can forgive BlockBuster since they have a huge selection and there's bound to be a bomb here and there but RedBox has a miniscule selection and should be more careful.